Excursions & Incursions

Year 3 Werribee Open Range Zoo Excursion

On Friday 6th October, the Year 3s attended the Werribee Zoo excursion as part of their Unit of Inquiry - ‘Nurture Nature’. They participated in the education program about Australian wildlife and looked at features that help animals to survive in their habitat. They then had a general zoo viewing and enjoyed the safari bus tour!



Some highlights from the day according to the students: 


‘ I liked when I learnt about the life cycles of animals such as the hippos and I liked how I could learn about what they eat and their habitats and how to protect their habitats’. Danya K - 3C 


‘I liked the meerkats because they were standing up really straight and doing tricks’. 

Luca L - 3C


‘My favourite animal at Werribee Zoo was the camels because they keep fat in their humps’. 

Stephanie C - 3C



Thank you to the parent helpers who attended!


Year 3 Teachers


Victorian Institute of Sport Excursion

On the 11th of October, fifteen Year 5 and Year 6 students had the opportunity to go to Victorian Institution of Sport at Albert Park.


Our day started off with a presentation about what sports the Victorian Institute supports, scholarships and athletes past and present. The CSPS group were very intrigued and asked multiple questions throughout the presentation.


After the presentation we got a tour around two gyms. We saw a variety of sports equipment and an indoor pool. As well as an ice bath, spa and climate chamber.


In addition, we met Alexandra (Al) Viney, the Paralympian rower and Olympian Linden Hall, the 1500 metre runner.


We found Al’s story super inspiring!!



When we were walking around Lakeside Stadium, we saw a statue of Peter Norman. Peter Norman was a 200 metre Olympic runner. When he was on the podium to receive his silver medal, his fellow competitors raised their fists to make a stand about human rights. Peter wore the Olympic Project for Human Rights to support them. He never ran for Australia again despite being our best 200m runner. We thought that was very unfair. 



We had an amazing time at the Victorian Institution of Sport and we left feeling inspired. If you put your mind to something, you can do anything!


Shout out to Mr Wink, Mr Mackay and VIS for organising such a great event.


Dana & Nathan 

Year 6 Students



Year 6 Immigration Museum Excursion 

On Tuesday the 17th of October, Year 6 students went to the Immigration Museum to support their inquiry unit on migration. They learnt about the stories of several immigrants throughout a range of generations, and also got to embark on a journey through the 'Leaving Home', 'Voices Across Time' and 'Getting In' exhibitions. 


Throughout the day, students uncovered personal settlement and migration stories through objects and artefacts. They developed a greater understanding of the reasons why migrants were admitted into Australia through the 'Interview Room' and a dictation test.  


Zac Halliday-Bayley

Year 6 Teacher