CSPS Awards

Congratulations to CSPS Students who received Student of the Week. 

Junior Assembly




ClassStudent      Reason
PAJasper YFor your improved speaking and listening skills in the classroom. Good job Jasper!
PARomi PFor taking more risks with your learning. Well done Romi!
PBSophie BFor the amazing effort she is putting into her writing, her constant positivity and willingness to challenge herself in all tasks.
PCPoppy MFor showing great commitment to improving her literacy skills.
PCEthan WFor working hard on his communication skills by contributing to classroom activities.
PDNed HFor focusing on his learning after an extra holiday break and remembering the letter sounds. 
PDMaddison ZFor bouncing back quickly and showing how resilient she is becoming. 
1AIndigo WFor always listening carefully and speaking respectfully in discussions. 
1BTom BFor being a thinker when he successfully built a paper bridge that could hold a stack of dominoes.
1CArielle OFor working hard to create a poster with interesting facts about her chosen habitat of the ocean.
1CMia SFor improving her writing by starting sentences with different words.
2AKavin JFor being a reflective learner and setting himself suitable goals and developing strategies to help him achieve them.
2AWilliam CFor applying himself and believing in himself to achieve an amazing improvement on his Magic Word score.
2BHenry NFor working hard and extending himself during spelling sessions.
2CHudson GFor demonstrating enthusiasm in maths and helping others in a shape hunt around the classroom.
2CBradon UFor constantly demonstrating his principled nature and setting a great example for his classmates.
2DZac BFor writing an excellent retell during our author study. 


Senior Assembly


3AAlon KFor taking pride in his work and always challenging himself.
3BBen CFor demonstrating his understanding of food chains and for challenging himself.
3BAriellaFor her excellent simile poem and for taking on feedback. Well done Ariella!
3CJosh MFor being an Inquirer into our Nurture Nature Unit.
3CAdele NFor taking on feedback and being committed to improve your writing.
4AArabella FFor showing determination to do her best in class tasks, especially in Maths.
4ALeni SFor her persistence when solving worded problem tasks in Maths.
4BMakenzie BFor her positive attitude to all aspects of school life. You are a valued member of 4B!
4BRachel LFor her growth mindset during our Numeracy sessions. Keep up the amazing work!
4CBailey SFor showing interest and asking great questions in our new unit of inquiry.
5ASophia CFor making great choices with her learning to start Term 2.
5ADean PFor asking great clarifying questions during class time to improve his understanding.
5BEli GFor passionately engaging in our geography unit and producing high quality work pieces. 
5BShiraz EFor constantly displaying the values of CSPS and being a fantastic role model for others in the classroom. 
5CPerouze SFor writing an excellent persuasive speech.
5C Nicholas WFor showing excellent work ethic this week and putting in wonderful effort into all his work.

House Cup Winners




Congratulations to Cowen Bunjils, winners of the House Cup for Week 2 & 3.



Congratulations to 4B and 2C for being the class who was awarded with the House Cup for respectful audience behaviour at Assembly.