What's happening in our learning spaces? 


FLW Jude - For having such a positive attitude when attempting to write a recount about your weekend adventures. You are becoming a confident writer when you record the sounds you hear for the words you wish to write and making use of the Word Wall to further improve your writing. Keep up the great effort Jude!
FAPMadeline - For being confident and enthusiastic when sharing your thoughts and ideas during our whole class reading. You are marvellous Madeline! 
1/2VSEva D- For making amazing progress in your reading and being able to confidently share your thinking about characters and events. 
1/2AMSam - for being confident and courageous and sharing your wonderful thoughts, ideas and wonderings this week! Keep it up Sam! 

Asha - For demonstrating your love of learning each day. You tackle each task with tenacity and a growth mindset. Keep it up Asha!

Eva K- For being a wonderful contributor and responsible member in 1/2VK. Well done Eva and keep it up!

3/4BPDiana - For being an open-minded thinker when solving challenging division problems. You’re a super mathematician! 
3/4BZGus - For being such an amazing contributor when reading different information narratives. You are a star at finding the different adjectives, nouns and verbs in texts!
5/6OSAmelia - For demonstrating a positive attitude to all aspects of school life, and for the brilliant growth you have shown during our Division Unit. You're a Maths Wiz Amelia!
5/6AOAnna Rose - For the amazing growth you have made in our Division Unit in Maths. Your dedicated attitude and problem solving skills have been a great asset to you. Fantastic stuff!
5/6GTAddy - For you amazing learning in Maths and for sharing your fun sense of humour. Always amazing Addy!
MathsRiley - For your amazing work with Multiplication & Division. You easily found the connections between division and multiplication. Well done Riley!


In The Resilience Project over the last fortnight, we have been learning to understand that our feelings and emotions can change depending on the different situations we experience in our daily lives. As communicators, we paired up and played charades with different emotions to see if our partner could guess the emotion we were displaying. We then discussed what our bodies and faces do when we have these different feelings. For example, some of us said that when we are feeling happy our eyes widen and our mouths show a smile. We then made happy and sad faces and showed which faces matched a particular statement our teachers read out to us. Some of us feel happy when we make a new friend and some of us feel sad when we forget our show and tell at home. Take a look at some of our faces! 

As curious thinkers, we have been so excited to engage in our Discovery Time each week. There have been new and interesting stations in Term 4 for us to explore new experiences. Some of these include learning about the human body and using technology to find different countries, our houses and even St Fidelis on a map! Here are some is some of our thinking that we would like to share with you:

  • I can draw a picture of what the inside of your lungs look like - Hugo 
  • I like to make Alphabet cookies from the playdough- Jude
  • I enjoyed making a book about different animals- Maddie
  • I can make a menu for the restaurant. Watermelon is 50 cents and the fish is $ 5.00 - Ella
  • A megalodon shark can open its mouth from the bottom of the floor to the roof of my house - Henry 

Last Friday everyone was so excited to share their crazy and colourful socks that we wore to school to acknowledge Socktober! We had a blast at the Disco where we danced and had so much fun with our friends busting a move on the dance floor. We followed this with our hot food lunch and delicious gelatos. There is always something new and interesting happening in FLW & FAP!

Have a great week everyone! 


Thank you, 

Leanne and Alex 


YEAR 1/2

What a busy and fun week we’ve had in 1/2, from dancing at our disco to immersing ourselves in our excursion, we have been non-stop and we look forward to another busy week coming up!

On Monday, we set off to learn about rainforests and more broadly begin to explore different features of places and what makes them special. As researchers, we had time and the opportunity to engage in a shared learning experience at the Royal Botanic Gardens which provoked our thinking. We looked at different aspects of trees, plants, roots and conservation, and had opportunities to make connections to the importance of caring for the environment. We braved some intermittent rain and showcased our resilience as we continued to explore in less than favourable conditions. A big thank you to the parents who came and assisted us, with a smile on their faces, regardless of the weather!

As members of a faith community, we considered the concept of stewardship and the importance of helping those in need. We raised money to assist the Catholic Missions by donning some crazy socks on Friday and having our Hot Food Day. It is our hope that we can help sustain and enrich the lives of vulnerable children by continuing to fundraise and bring knowledge and awareness to others. Moreover, we finally had our Footsteps Disco, where all of the Foundations to Year Two students had a chance to play some dance games, show off our moves and shake and groove together. We had so much fun and were excited to engage in this together, even the teachers got up and had a dance! 

We look forward to investigating our new concept in maths, and fractions, and are equally excited to participate in our Maths Games Day on Thursday!  


1/2 Team, 

Alycia Marsico, Vania Sparano and Vicky Karalis 

YEAR 3/4

As mathematical thinkers, we will be engaging in learning about Fractions. We will be engaging in a range of learning opportunities to explore and understand fractions. According to the Victorian Curriculum, below is what each year level is required to know and understand by the end of the year. 

Year 3 students are required to model and represent fractions  1/2, 1/4, 1/3, 1/5 and their multiples to a complete whole. 

Year 4 students are required to…

  • investigate equivalent fractions
  • count by quarters, halves and thirds
  • identify fractions on a number line
  • identify the connection of fractions with decimals.

As a Catholic learning community, we took the time and opportunity to work together to celebrate Mission Month. On Friday 20th of October we celebrated World Mission Month with Socktober Day. We had a wonderful time at our disco party and rewarded ourselves with pizza and gelato. We also wore crazy socks!

As readers, we have been exploring different factual narratives to add to our Tier Walls, some of the language we have been looking for in our factual narratives include, nouns, verbs, adjectives, coordinating conjunctions, subordinating conjunctions along side interpreting the different sentence structure that we are seeing in our texts including, simple, compound and complex sentences.


Just a reminder of the Important dates for Year 3/4 in Term 4:

Week 6

Wednesday 8th October 

Royal Botanical Gardens Excursion (12pm - 3pm)

Thursday 9th October 

Maths Games Day - All welcome! 

Friday 10th October 

3/4BP and 3/4BZ Hosting Remembrance Day Assembly  

Please come and join us!

We hope you have a wonderful week!


Year 3/4 Teachers,

Belinda Panzarino & Bianka Zorzut


YEAR 5/6

Another fantastic week in 5/6 last week especially such a Fun Friday with Socktober’s crazy socks, our groovy disco and hot food!!


In Literacy,  last week the students continued exploring the visual literacy elements in Jackie French’s “Cyclone”. The students identified the use of colour to convey meaning and message. The dark and dull hues of grey depicted the sadness and domineering threat of the cyclone. Then the colours brightened to represent the hope and strength of the survivors. We have been so impressed with our students' deep thinking and critical analysis of how visual literacy elements aid in telling a story and how important they are to our meaning and understanding of texts. The students have also been creating their own explanation texts about Bushfires. As we continue to explore our Inquiry unit with a focus on Natural Disasters the students will create an explanation text on a topic of their choice in connection with this unit. 


In Numeracy, the 5/6 students completed our division unit with fantastic results in their post-assessment. We move on now to a new unit of FRACTIONS! We look forward to sharing our learning with you in this area. We encourage all students to continue practising their times tables at home to assist them in their mathematics learning.


In Inquiry, we have been viewing examples of natural disasters around the world. The students will now be tasked with choosing a natural disaster to further investigate and research. They will compare the effects of this disaster in different countries. 


A reminder that our Year 5/6 students will be heading to Melbourne Museum this Thursday for our excursion! Please ensure students' recess and lunch is in a clearly labelled plastic bag or lunchbox as we cannot carry backpacks around the museum. 


Have a lovely week!

5/6 Teaching Team