Education in Faith 

Education in Faith encompasses the following areas: Religious Education, Prayer, Liturgy and Sacraments.

World Mission Sunday was celebrated on the 22nd of October. It is a global celebration across the world.  As a Catholic faith community, we recognize and acknowledge this special day.  This is a time of prayer and global solidarity celebrated in all Catholic parishes around the world.  Pope Francis has taken many steps to encourage all members of Catholic communities to recognize themselves as missionary disciples, working and praying together to share God’s love with everyone, everywhere.  The theme for this year's World Mission Day is:Hearts on Fire, Feet on the Move, “inspired by the story of Jesus appearing to His disciples on the road to Emmaus.

Sacrament Dates 2024

Please note the following dates for Sacraments in 2024:


Reconciliation for Year 3 children on Thursday the 21st of March at 7.00 p.m. at St Fidelis Church.


Eucharist for Year 4 children on Saturday 3rd August at 6.00 pm at St Fidelis Church.


Confirmation for Year 6 children on Sunday 2nd of June at 3.00 pm at St Fidelis Church.

2024 Foundation Parent’s Faith Night

The Foundation Faith Night will take place this Monday 23rd October at 7.00 pm in the school hall. Maria Forde will facilitate the evening. The evening will focus on your child’s faith journey.  It will also provide information on how parents and staff can work together in partnership to provide this opportunity for our children. 

Celebrating Catholic Mission Socktober 

On Friday, the school community of St Fidelis celebrated Socktober for mission month. The day began with the year 5/6 children leading us in whole school prayer with a focus on mission week. Followed by fun activities, hot food lunch and disco. Thank you to all the children and staff who participated in this event and for your kind donations.  We collected $247.20; this money will be donated to the catholic mission in order to assist people in need. 

Carry A Can CatholicCare Victoria

This year, CatholicCare Victoria, are organising a Carry A Can Christmas appeal.  By collecting canned food CatholiCare will be distributing food hampers to individuals and families in need. Thank you to all the families who have donated to our Carry A Can appeal. Each learning space has been provided with a box that all donations can be placed into.  We also have a box at the front office for donations to be placed.  Thank you for your generosity. 

Celebrating mass 

Last Tuesday,1/2VS and 3/4BZ celebrated mass. Thank you to all the parents and grandparents who attended this special celebration.



Thank you and God bless,

Annette Gasbarro

Religious Education Leader.