P&F News 


The 2023 P&F Annual General Meeting will take place in C3 (C Wing) at 7:00 pm on Monday 30 October. We will run the meeting both in person and online – watch for the Teams link via the college app on Monday. For those of you attending in person we’ll have pizza and drinks to celebrate the end of year.  Please find attached the agenda for the meeting.

The St Pius X College P&F is a very important group that addresses a broad range of issues. You can join the P&F as a great way to involve yourself in the community, to act in the best interests of your children and to look for creative ways to fund school projects that will benefit all your boys. We hold 4 meetings a year and assist with functions throughout the year.


Our P&F is a great group of parents who love supporting the boys and the college, and we welcome new parents to join us.  We would be pleased to show you how easy, but also how fulfilling, it is.


The positions that are up for election this year are:

1. President

2. Vice President 

3. Secretary 

4. Assistant Secretary 

5. Treasurer 

6. Social Co-ordinator(s) 

7. Communications Co-ordinator(s)

8. Class Parent Co-ordinator 

9. NSW Parents Council Representative 


A few of the committee members have been contributing to the P&F for a number of years and will inevitably move on from the P&F as their boys graduate from Pius. It's an exciting opportunity for new members to join the P&F and become an active member of your college community.   The longer serving P&F members will be there to support you and shadow where required. 

Thank you for your interest and for being an active member of our school community. It will be a fun and rewarding experience.


   Mrs Sarah Gillard & Mr Eoin Geaney - P&F President
