Mission and Identity 

  • Youth Mass
  • Year 12 Studies of Religion HSC Exam
  • Launch of Matthew 25:40 St Pius X Immersion Program
  • All Saints Day - 1 November
  • All Souls Day - 2 November

Youth Mass

Prayer and Pizza - Mercy Catholic College and St Pius X College Youth Mass 

Twice a term, the colleges of Mercy and St Pius X celebrate together with a Youth Mass at Our Lady of Dolours Church, Chatswood. 

Last Sunday was an opportunity to share faith, friendship and food in an atmosphere of joyous celebration. Following Mass, students gathered for pizza and an opportunity to learn more about one another, and to share a good laugh.

All students and their families are invited to the next Youth Mass on November 26 at 5:30 pm.


Best wishes to our Year 12 cohort who will sit their Studies of Religion I and II Exams on Thursday morning.

May they write with authenticity, empathy and understanding regarding the way religious adherents search for meaning in their lives. Our thoughts and prayers are with them.

Launch of the Matthew 25:50 St Pius X Immersion Program

On Monday evening the College launched the Matthew 25:40 St Pius X Immersion Program, with particular focus on the Faith in Action Suite of opportunities available to Year 10 in Week 8 of this term. 

The College is pleased to be offering four immersions with 61 places available; almost triple the places previously offered. This reflects the College’s ongoing commitment to prioritizing the holistic development of our students through formation and the provision of social justice opportunities, in order that our future graduates are men of faith in action for a world hungry for justice and healing.

Please enjoy the launch video below providing the ‘what, when, where’ and most importantly the ‘why’ behind the Matthew 25:40 program.

A reminder for any Year 10 students wishing to submit their expression of interest application for the immersion program, need to complete the form linked to the QR code provided:

All Saints Day - 1 November 

The Feast of All Saints provides an opportunity to celebrate the fact that we are never alone. 

To acknowledge that like a stadium of cheering fans, we are supported as we traverse the track of life. A team who pray for us, who understand the tribulations of the human experience and who look forward to welcoming us home. We call them the ‘Communion of Saints’.

Our Catechism teaches that a ‘saint’ is one defined as now residing with God in Heaven, who lived their life for others.

We are called to live as a saint in the here and now. Christ gives us the blueprint in which to live like a saint through the Eight Beatitudes. 

Fr Richard Rohr affirms that the 'Beatitudes are about changing oneself, not changing other people. Wonderfully, it is not about being right anymore. Who can fully do the Beatitudes “right”? It is about being in right relationship, which is a very different agenda.'

The Beatitudes call us to be instruments of peace, dispensers of reckless love, who challenge injustice through active non-violence and seek to repair the world through an unwavering love of God, neighbor and self. The call for a radical ‘metanoia’ - an internal ‘U-turn’ of the heart.

The Beatitudes remind us that the kingdom of God is built from the inside out. We need to be the change we wish to see in the world and it starts within us.

All Souls Day - 2 November 

From Monday, the College will have a Book of Remembrance placed in vigil on the altar in the College Chapel, for any student or staff member who would like to write the name/s of a loved one or friend who has gone home to God.

This book will be included in our communal prayers throughout the week. Our deepest prayers are extended to anyone for whom this is the first Feast of All Souls, who have lost a loved one in the last 12 months. We offer the prayer below for you:


Mr Daniel Petrie - Assistant Principal, Mission and Identity