From the Principal

  • Reflection
  • Blessed Edmund Rice Icon
  • Changes to Junior School enrolment
  • Launch of the Year 10 Immersion Program
  • HSC Examinations continue into Week 3
  • Staffing News
  • P&F AGM
  • Cocurricular Program continues this weekend
  • End of Year Dates


I know a school…

I know a school where learning is celebrated,

where there is laughter and loving,

where there is celebration in the joy of living and learning.


I know a school where risks can be taken, mistakes made

and successes built upon.

I know a school where the community prays and grows together each day,

in faith, hope and love and respect for each other.


I know a school where new and better ways of teaching and learning are sought after,

and where each person’s needs are met.

I know a school where anything can happen through discovery,

and the beauty of ordered learning is open to innovation and spontaneity


I know a school where each person is valued and accepted for who he or she is.

I know a school where each member gives God the first place in all that happens and everyone uses their talents for others.

I know a school where what I read in the Gospels comes alive.


I know a school that is curriculum-focussed, student-centred, community oriented and culturally rich.

I know a school where children are recognised as thinkers, feelers and doers and the whole person is educated.


I know a school where education is for all and there is enough freedom and enough pragmatism to make it work.

I know a school where the poor, the disabled, the lonely and those with problems will find themselves helped, not by anything said, but by everything done.


I know a school that is freed from past injustices and is open to the future.

I know a school embracing the future with the words: ‘All are welcome here’.


In the spirit of the EREA Touchstones, let us work together to promote St Pius X as the College ‘we know’ where all the above happens in support of our students as they find their way through the web of life.

Similar to the ‘School I know’, we are all invited to contribute to our College to promote the Kingdom of God.  This invitation is constant and we must ensure we contribute to the College in a positive manner through our commitment to maintaining the high standards and expectations that are requested of all members of the community.  During the College assembly on Monday, I also shared another value that we are invited to uphold, that is Respect.  I stressed the importance of respecting self, especially in the little things, and then it is about respecting others through our interactions and acceptance of others. The College, like God, invites us daily to be the best version of ourselves as we contribute to our community and therefore to the Kingdom of God. 

Blessed Edmund Rice Icon

The Icon provides all Edmund Rice communities an insight into the person who was Blessed Edmund Rice.


 Central Icon Panel Edmund Rice

 Edmund Rice dominates the central icon panel. The spiral is symbolic of God, the Creator.

The flames represent the Holy Spirit. Rings of fire surround the haloes of Mary and the baby Jesus.

Mary looks at us while Jesus has turned to look at Edmund.


 Blessed Edmund Rice saying:

‘Give to the poor in handfuls’


Blessed Edmund Rice - Pray for Us

St Pius X - Pray for Us

Live Jesus in our Hearts - Forever!

Changes to our Junior School enrolment

In 2024, the Year 5 classes will be divided into four classes rather than three.  Each class will have an average class size of 28 students.  The College believes that this will support the teaching and learning environment especially as the Junior School transition to the new Waterford Learning Centre in 2024.

Launch of the Year 10 Immersion Program

On Monday 22 October, the Mission and Identity Team, led by Mr Petrie, launched the 2024 Year 10 Immersion Program.  This program provides Year 10 students with the opportunity to immerse themselves into the EREA Touchstones through faith in action. Thank you to all the parents who were in attendance and special thanks to the staff, Mr Petrie, Mrs Guerrera, Mr Di Sano and Mr Balboa for their commitment to the formation of our students. The video presentation was outstanding and the words shared by our Mission and Identity Team and our 2024 Mission and Identity Prefects - Harrison Morton, Dominic Mitchell and Lennox Makarewicz was inspiring.

HSC Examinations continue into Week 3

It is difficult to believe that we are in the third week of the HSC Examinations, and after Thursday’s Studies of Religion examination, many students would have completed their examinations.  Our prayers remain with our Year 12 students in the hope they continue to be motivated and committed to their studies.

Staffing News 

This seems to be the time of year when staff movement features most prominently. Therefore, it was with hesitation that I inform the community that Mr Chris Ure will be leaving St Pius X at the end of the 2023 school as he has accepted a teaching position at Marist College Eastwood. Chris has been with the College for almost five years and has been an active and valued member of the staff especially the Junior School. On behalf of the College, I would like to thank him for his positive contribution to the teaching and learning environment of the Junior School and his active involvement in the Junior School Cocurricular program.


As one member of the College looks for opportunities beyond our gates, another teacher has accepted a new role within our borders.  Mr Glen Carroll has accepted a new role in the Senior School as an Technology and Applied Science (TAS) teacher.  Glen is currently finishing his qualifications in TAS and is looking forward to applying his learnings in this new faculty.  We wish him every success in his new role in the College.


A reminder of the P&F Association Annual General Meeting on Monday 30 October commencing at 7:00 pm in C Wing.  The meeting will also be held online. 

Cocurricular program continues this weekend – thank you for your support of the high standards surrounding our College sport and playing uniform

Thank you to all the students and parents in supporting our sporting uniform standards last week at our Oxford Falls campus.  Not only was it great to see the students competing enthusiastically, but we also showed how well we respect our uniform.

I am reminded of the phrase ‘The standard we walk pasted is the standard we accept.’  Let us work together in not walking past a standard we do not accept.

Whether you are playing at home or away, best wishes to all our teams this week and continue to strive for your personal best and represent the College with pride.

End of Year Dates

Week 8 

27 Nov - 3 Dec:        Year 11 Snowy Mountain Hike

27 Nov - 1 Dec         Year 10 Term 5 Program

Week 9            

4 Dec:                          End of Year Thanksgiving Mass

5 Dec:                          Annual Awards Ceremony at Oxford Falls Campus

                                      Last Day for students Year 5 - 11


Live Jesus in Our Hearts - Forever

Mr Michael Ronchetti - Principal