From the Principal's Desk

ABC Music Concert
Next Wednesday 22nd November, our ABC Music Students will get the opportunity to present their talents at our ABC Music Concert.
Due to the increase in the number of students performing we will need to bring the start time forward to 2:00pm.
The performance will take place in the Gathering Space (undercover area) and families are welcome to attend.
Timetable Changes
With the end of the year fast approaching, timetables for the next four weeks will be adjusted to allow for 2024 Year Level Planning, PSG meetings, Transition days and the many other events synonymous with Term 4.
Therefore we ask that you pay close attention to the timetables and communications that will be published in the Newsletter, circulated via Class Dojo and communicated by teachers.
The main thing for students is that they wear their sports uniform on days when they are scheduled for Sport/PE.
Next Week's Timetable (Week 8) is detailed below.
Fees and Levies 2023
Thank you to all families who are up-to-date with Fee and Levy payments for 2023. Unless you have organised a payment plan, all fees and levies should have been settled by the end of Term 3.
As of today, we still have $50,518.00 owing.
Families still in arrears will be sent an up-to-date Fee and Levy Statement today and, in fairness to all, we would appreciate accounts to be promptly settled.
Split Family Fee Arrangements for 2024
As we are fast approaching the end of the year, we will need to begin preparing the system for the 2024 Fees and Levies.
If there are any families who require a split fee arrangement for 2024 (ie the Fees and Levies will be split between two parents/guardians) please inform Debbie immediately.
Please also indicate the percentage allocated to each person for example: Split 50/50.
The system will then generate two separate invoices to be sent to the two parties.
Families who already have this in place do not need to do anything.
Christmas Concert
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
Our Christmas concert is back and is scheduled for Tuesday 12th December (with a back-up date of Thursday 14th December).
Gates will open at 5:00 pm for families to set up
their picnic rug, join in some Christmas cheer and enjoy some time together before the formalities begin. Feel free to BYO a picnic dinner, or bring your own 'take-away'. Alternatively, our PFA will be running a sausage sizzle for you to enjoy.
In consideration to all, we ask that families sitting on deck chairs and the like set up toward the back or around the perimeter.
Formalities will commence around 6:00 pm with our Christmas concert: It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas! A fitting title for this time of the year.
After our concert, we will draw the winners of our Christmas Raffle (tickets will go on sale next week). And you never know... there might even be a visit from a man in red!
We hope this proves a wonderful opportunity to finish off the year on a high.
Early Collection of Children
It has become increasingly common for parents to pick up their children prior to 3:30 as a matter of convenience rather than actual need. These disruptions just prior to the end of the school day are not healthy for both the student and the school's operations.
Students leaving school early must have a valid reason. We thank those parents who do their best to make appointments for their children outside of school hours so that learning is not interrupted.
Library Bags
The final Library classes for 2023 will take place over the next two weeks. Please ensure that your children return all library books along with their washed library bags by Friday 1st December. All library bags will be kept in the Library over the holidays and returned to the children in 2024.
We also need some assistance with making library bags for next year's Prep children. If you are able to assist please see Miss Wilkinson.
Facebook Promotion
This year we had to create a whole new Facebook page as our old one (while still viewable) locked us out of our account.
Since then not all of our followers have re-followed our new page.
So as a little incentive to increase our audience, all our followers will automatically go into the draw to win a $50 Fee credit. That's right... we will be giving away a $50 Fee Credit to one of our lucky followers.
For your chance to win, all you need to do is make sure you are following us by 9:00 am, 30th November when our winner will be drawn.
Our lucky winner will be announced on our Facebook page.
Follow us now!
Have a wonderful week.
God Bless
Anthony Hyde