Primary School 

Primary School Athletics Carnival

Congratulations to Mr Berryman on a successful Athletics Carnival last week and thank you to all the parents and teachers who assisted on the day. 

Pre-Primary Assembly

The success of the Athletics Carnival was backed up the following day by our incredible Pre-Primary class who ran our last assembly for the year. They showcased their wonderful inquiry work and serenaded us with ‘Djinda Djinda’ which included a warm introduction to our three-year-old Djinda students. Thank you to Mrs Brown, Mrs O’Keeffe, Mrs Tuffley and Mrs Ranger. 

World Teacher's Day

Friday was also World Teachers’ Day. Our Year Six O students treated staff to a cooked lunch as part of their economics inquiry into consumer needs and wants, whilst staff enjoyed morning tea treats from our wonderful Education Assistants. We are blessed with a dynamic and talented staff who go above and beyond each day for our students and it was nice to stop and recognise this. 

Curriculum Spotlight – Inquiry

Inquiry learning gives students greater agency and reflective skills when learning new concepts, mastering old concepts and making connections between units of work. Last Friday, our Year Six students inquired into the consumer purchasing cycle and had to look at this on a practical level in regards to researching, menu planning and delivering a World Teachers’ Day lunch for our staff. This authentic learning experience gave a deeper understanding of economics and business methods than any paper lesson could. On Monday our Year Two class used the power of provocation in inquiry as they went on a magical mystery tour to tune in and find out about significant places in Albany as part of their history inquiry. Thank you, Ms Diletti, for providing a recount of this fun day. 


It was wonderful to take the students on our Magical Mystery History tour this week to learn about, and see first-hand, the significant places and people in Albany’s history.

We stopped at the Padre White lookout, Town hall, Mokare statue, Middleton Beach, Baudin statue and Point King lighthouse. This will now lead our inquiry unit where the students will investigate one of these places further in class and present it in a form of their choosing for example, a speech or video recording, poster, model with labels, or PowerPoint/word document.


The students did an amazing job to walk quite a long section of the boardwalk whilst only asking a few times, ‘are we there yet?’.


A huge thank you to Ms Youens and Mrs Field for attending with us and for the brave and fearless Mr Daniel for his skills of retrieving folders, pencils and drink bottles from precarious places they managed to fall throughout the day.

Year Six Camp

Our Year Six cohort is enjoying their final camp for their Primary School journey on Rottnest Island this week. Students have been cycling all over the island, snorkelling, participating in beach activities and teamwork games whilst learning about the rich history of the island. Thank you to Mrs Gordon, Mr Berryman and Mr Osborne for organising this experience and to our gap students Tiffany Kok and May Botha for assisting with the supervision of activities. 

ECC Stars of the Week

Well done to this week’s ECC Stars of the Week: Atticus Sprigg, Alexander Standish, Faolan Williams and Lucie McCutcheon. 


Upcoming Events

Week Five

Monday 6 November - House Leader posters and speeches

Thursday 9 November, 10.45am - Remembrance Day service

Friday 10 November - Pupil Free Day


Week Six

Monday 13 November - House Leader voting

Wednesday 15 November - Interschool Athletics

Thursday 16 November - Primary School Orientation Day

Friday 17 November - Year Three Chapel


Week Seven and Eight

Swimming lessons Pre-Primary to Year Six at ALAC


Week Eight

Thursday 30 November - ECC Beach Fun Day

Friday 1 December - Primary School End of Year House games


Week Nine

Monday 4 December, 4pm - Year Six Celebration & Exhibition

Tuesday 5 December, 9am - Primary School Awards Ceremony

Tuesday 5 December, 11am - Christmas Concert


Wishing you a restful weekend,

Leah Field