From the Deputy Principal


Our student leadership group have recently started working in their new roles and this week I had the good fortune to work with them on a really 'nuts and bolts' level, discussing leavers' jackets, assembly preparation, ball organisation and even the canteen menu.  What was interesting to note, through the course of the discussion, is that bigger picture ideas and practices about leadership quickly came to the forefront.  We talked about the impact of their decision making on others and the possible the unintended consequences of poor communication and organisation.  We also discussed how they can support the development of the whole school community through their presence and practices.  Put simply, this means 'showing up' but it also means how they show up and who they can connect with.    


It struck me that taking these seemingly simple conversations about how to 'get stuff done' are such powerful pathways into teaching our students about their impact and how they can make a difference.  I am looking forward to continuing to watch our capable and enthusiastic leaders continue to develop in their roles.

Year Eleven Mocktail Party

Last night the Year Eleven Mocktail party attendees rocked the dance floor (which is the Miartich Building undercover area) with social dance, some boot scooting and some early practice for dancing at the Year Twelve Ball. Thank you to our Head of Technologies, Mrs Teresa McAllister and her Year Eleven Hospitality class for their amazing mocktails which took us through tropical delights all the way to creamy coffee.  The op-shop theme and being able to tread the catwalk resulted in a really joyful evening.  Thank you to Mrs Renae O'Donnell who got everyone moving with our (ahem) evolving dance skills.  Suffice it to say we will continue to practise!! 


Mrs Emma Franklin | Deputy Principal