Celebrating Student Learning 

Year 3 Long Day Excursion

Below is some great writing from students in 3C about their long day excursion, along with some photos of their adventures.  


I had an excursion to the city,

The city was very busy. 

I had a fall,

Nearly landed on a wall.

My friends were there for me,

When I had a bloody knee.

-Monica 3C


We went to watch a movie at IMAX,

With tons and tons of facts.

All our friends loved the jump scares,

And some of them even brought their teddy bears!

-Jena 3C


We went to see the Lego,

We were not allowed to eat jello.

We made a robot that spun,

And we had so much fun!

-Semaet 3C 


I mpresive

M ega Screen

A wesome

X –ellent


A mazing

T otally Cool


M onica fell

U ltimate

S atisfying

E ntertaining

U p-lifting

M agical                   

-Jena 3C