Student of the Week 

A list of student's who received 'Student of the Week' this week 

Student of the Week

P.E. - Keira 6C for consistently demonstrating strong communication and leadership skills when working with others. Great job Keira! 

Visual Arts - Roland 5A for showing enthusiasm and focus in art while painting your pop art background. You showed pride, respect and integrity.  Congratulations and well done Roland!

Performing Arts - Abigail 1/2C for demonstrating integrity and pride while modelling skills to her peers. Well done on being a fantastic class citizen and a great instructor, teaching the foundation students movements and songs in an activity.

Chinese - Simon 1/2A for showing our school values of Respect and  Integrity. He always uses his manners when speaking to his peers and teacher, and always completes the task with effort. Well done, Simon!


6AArosh  for consistently being a kind and considerate class member. You show the school values at all times of respect and integrity ensuring your friends are achieving their best as well.  Well done!

 6B - Eve for consistently applying herself to her learning tasks. Well done on all your achievements, keep it up. 

6C - Danica for consistently applying herself to her learning tasks and working collaboratively with other. Keep up the amazing work!


5ALilly for displaying resilience, determination and effort with her writing this term. She completed her persuasive draft in a very timely manner, and made great improvements with her handwriting legibility and neatness. Well done Lilly! Keep up your excellent efforts!

5BJake for consistently working hard in Math and showing pride in your work. Your efforts are paying off!

5C - Ayman for showing integrity and picking up rubbish when he was not told to. Thank you for being such a great role model to the students at DPW. 


4AMinh-Minh for showing persistence in her writing when writing a persuasive text about Thailand. It is awesome to see you starting to enjoy writing and having resilience when it gets challenging. Keep it up, Minh-Minh!

4BAgape for taking pride in his work and writing a great persuasive text about Japan. It is great to see you enjoying writing and having resilience when it gets tough. 

4CJane for the awesome work you did in Writing. Despite having been absent last week, you were able to persevere and put in extra effort to catch up with the class. Well done, Jane, it was so great to see you demonstrating resilience when things get challenging!


3AAll of 3A for a fabulous day on our excursion. Your behaviour was exceptional, you treated others with respect, displayed patience and represented our school with pride. You were amazing!!!

3BNesan for displaying collaborative behaviour when working with others on our excursion. His peers appreciated his cooperation and kindness when working on tasks with him.

3CAlice for showing Pride during our long day excursion. You showed great pride in yourself and the school. Well done!


1/2D - Mackenzie for demonstrating pride when working on her  vertical addition problems.

1/2E - Daniel for demonstrating resilience. He practised to improve his addition skills in Maths. Daniel confidently added 2-digit by 2-digit numbers using the partitioning strategy. Well done Daniel!


FA - Isabella for demonstrating resilience during reading groups. You are doing such a great job at reading tricky words using your strategies.