Stories from the Library


Last week we enjoyed an amazing concert showcasing the many talents of our school community. This concert, which will become a precious memory for our students, recognised the 40th Anniversary of John Paul II Catholic School. 


When we think of childhood memories, great books are woven through the years. In our new library collection we have some great classics of literature, as well as many new titles. Many of us will remember, from our own childhood, enjoying picture books such as, We’re Going on a Bear Hunt, The Very Hungry Caterpillar and Possum Magic. Classic novels like the Harry Potter series, The Hobbit and the Narnia series remain popular. We are excitedly looking forward to showcasing all of these books when our new library building is completed early next year.




Adnan, one of our Inklings extension students, has written a beautiful poem about childhood memories, which remind us of all the childhood memories that have been cherished by the many students who have attended John Paul II Catholic School over the past 40 years.



Childhood Memories

Childhood memories look like an untamed fire,

full of happiness and grief,

which is full of desire. 


Childhood memories smell like crayons,

and freshly cut grass in the summer. 


Our grandparents' home,  

and the sweet perfume of our mother.


Childhood memories sound like the soft lullabies of our mother, 

and the screams of joy playing with our friends and family.


Childhood memories feel like the unconditional love of our father,

warm hugs and the feeling of being safe and snug.


Childhood memories taste like lemonade, ice cream, chocolate cake, 

and all the delicious food our mother made.

Childhood memories will be with me forever.


Gently calling me to return to,

the carefree whispers of my younger self.


Adnan, Year 5


Mrs Kathryn Jaeger

Teacher Librarian/Inklings Extension Teacher

Mrs Kathryn Jaeger

Teacher Librarian and English/HASS Extension




Our library catalogue Oliver - is available online. 

Everything available in our library can be viewed using the following link –