CEPS Spotlight

Welcome to the third edition of the CEPS Spotlight. This week we are updating you on events from around the school. A lot has happened and we enjoy keeping you informed. We cover Foundation to Year 4 swimming, Year 6 graduation and interview Year 6 students who reflect on their time at CEPS. Happy reading!


Charlie H

Chief Editor


F to 4 Swimming

Recently the Foundation to Year 4 students participated in swimming lessons at Mentone Grammar Aquatic Centre. From all accounts the students were thoroughly delighted with the program. Over the two weeks, students were separated into different groups to enhance their swimming skills. Favoured strokes included backstroke and freestyle. At the end of each lesson, students enjoyed practising their diving skills.



On the last day, students learnt safety skills such as how to rescue people, or what to do if you're struggling in water. 


Graduation Update

by Nameer Waiz


Our beloved Year 6 students are leaving Primary School at the end of the year and what better way to depart Cheltenham East than an action-packed Graduation. 


The day will begin with a very exciting Graduation Ceremony that will be held in the Cheltenham Secondary College Performing Arts Centre. After that we will take a trip on the bus to Southland Shopping Centre.  Our first stop will be Betty’s Burgers where we are going to have the entire restaurant to ourselves, as well as enjoying a large burger, fries and a drink. After we finish our food, we head off to Village Cinemas to enjoy a movie with the class of 2023. 


On the last day of school, we will be performing a hip-hop dance in front of the whole school, including parents and teachers. We will have 6 practice sessions to learn and master the dance. The song will be chosen by the majority of the votes and a professional choreographer will teach us the choreography on the most voted song. The song will remain a secret so we can surprise you on the day!


CEPS Garden Update 

by Sneha Nagarajan


The CEPS Garden near the little kids’ playground is looking very lively. We have planted delightful herbs and fruits such as passionfruit, strawberries and snow peas. 


Last Friday, 6A and 6C helped with weeding the garden and planting the new plants that we purchased from our Bunnings voucher. We hope all these plants will grow beautifully and healthily. Thank you to Mr Packham who built the frames for the snow peas and Divya who offers her expert advice. We have got our first harvest of snow peas - 25 of them! Students who attended gardening club had the opportunity to taste the delicious, juicy snow peas.


Sage, Emma, Ryan, Lewis, Jack, Claire and Mrs Kerr are the leaders of the CEPS gardening club. They have been working really hard, but many hands make light work. If any parents or grandparents would like to help them out, please contact the office.


Just a reminder for all students that the garden is not for climbing on, littering, or playing on. 



Interviewing a Foundation Student

by Nuoqi Shi


As their time as the youngest students at CEPS comes to an end, the Foundations have some advice for future Preps. We interviewed Allya, a Foundation student in FC.


Have you enjoyed your time at CEPS?

Yes. I like playing with my friends.


What is your favourite thing to do at CEPS?

Playing outside at recess and lunchtime.


What is your favourite subject in school?

I don't have a favourite subject, as I like all of them.


Did you make a lot of friends?

I had friends to begin with, but then I made a lot of friends later in the year.


Were you scared when you first came to school?

I wasn’t scared at all because I knew what it would be like.


What is your advice to future Preps?

Make a lot of friends as they will help you in tough situations.



Interviews with Year 6 students about their time at CEPS


Claire has been at CEPS since Prep. She loved all of the camps she went on, especially the Year 6 camp in term 3. She looks forward to still having some of the same friends at Cheltenham Secondary College but not all of her friends are going there. 



Another one of our departing year 6 students is Taylah. Taylah has been at CEPS for 7 years. She has great friends at CEPS, but she looks forward to making new friends at Secondary School. She will miss her current friends who aren't going to Cheltenham Secondary College. 



Nick is one of our Wellbeing leaders, who is moving to Cheltenham Secondary College. He has been at CEPS for 7 years. His highlight of CEPS was Year 6 camp. He looks forward to making new friends at Secondary College but will miss playing with his buddy. Nick is going to Cheltenham Secondary College.


Division Sport

Interviewing Charlie H from the Hotshots team, Tom Rogers from the Volleyball team and Liam Chamoff from the Cricket team. 


In week 3 and 4, Mixed Cricket, Volleyball and Hotshots head off to compete at Division. All of these teams won our District competition in Term 1 and have been looking forward to the competition for a long time. The three teams are super confident that they will do well and achieve their goals. All teams are training hard and are looking forward to a super competition. Here are some thoughts from the players.


Are you looking forward to Division?

Yes, and I am confident the hotshot's team will do well.

What is your best shot to play?

I have perfected my forehand, but my backhand still needs a bit of improvement.



What are you most looking forward to in Division?

I am looking forward to competing at a higher level.

What is your team best at?

Being a team and supporting each other when we lose and when we win.



What are you most looking forward to in Division?

I am looking forward to competing against schools at a higher level and facing higher quality bowlers.

What is your most confident shot? 

Without doubt it has to be the pool shot. Last term I hit 75 runs, and all of my sixes were pull shots. 





How Were Your Holidays?

Teachers and Students



I went to Bali on the holidays, it was a 6-hour flight to Denpasar airport. It was a half-hour drive to the hotel in Nusa Dua and when we got there, we swam in the pool. We were there for 6 nights and 7 days in the hotel. We went on a day trip to Ubud and we saw monkeys at the monkey temple. Then we spent 3 nights and 4 days at Padma Legian. We bought some souvenirs. Then we did the 15-minute drive to the airport, then we found out our flight was delayed by 1 hour. We flew home at midnight and got home at 6:30 in the morning. I would rate the trip a 9 out of 10. 



I had my birthday, and my birthday party. I had my party at Timezone, where I got to play arcade games, as well as laser tag with my friends. I had a small cake on my birthday. On the final day of the holidays, I got my school uniform, because I had changed schools over the holidays. I went on quite a few walks; seeing 2 bakeries, an ice-cream shop, and quite a lot of plants and trees. 


Zoe E 

I had a good time during the holidays. I went to Luna Park with my family and friends. I also went to Chadstone, Southland and DFO to go shopping. I ate lots of ice cream. I also got an offer to join the U13’s Bayside United soccer team. I had my soccer presentation night. We all got medals but there were 4 special awards that some of my teammates got.


Lucy L

My holidays were good. I went to Luna Park with my friend. I went swimming with my friend too. We went on the Great Scenic Railway. I liked it. My favourite ride was the ghost train. Wilsons Promontory with my family. We saw a wombat there.


Mrs Kerr

My holidays were fantastic. I went to Queensland, for 3 nights we stayed in Currumbin, and went to the Wildlife Sanctuary.  I went to the beach, and even had a night tour at the Sanctuary. Our hotel had a pool, and the planes were flying right over the top as well, which was pretty amazing. We stayed at the Seaworld Resort, had a buffet breakfast and my kids loved the ice-cream machine. Later I went on lots of rides and enjoyed the Leviathan. I wasn’t such a big fan of the jet coaster ride. For the final part of the holiday, we went to Movie World. We saw a parade and watched Sheppard perform. 


Tara Shimmin 

I had a fantastic and relaxing time on the school holidays. My highlight was that I went to the AFL Grand Final and was supporting Collingwood. I got the tickets late on Thursday night, so I was very lucky. It was the best day ever and I cried when Collingwood won!  I also played golf at 13th Beach with my family, which was a great day but a long drive.