From the Wellbeing Leader

Jessica Robinson

Picnic At Pauls- Our Final 50th Anniversary Celebration

Join us in Week 4 for Picnic At Pauls, our final 50th Anniversary Celebration. The event will be held on Friday 10 November from 3:30pm-6pm. Bring a picnic basket and chair and join us for an afternoon of fun and games. We will have a BBQ, soft drinks, coffees and more for sale. Please note this event is a dry event. We are looking forward to celebrating together as a community and hope to see you there!

Volunteers for our Term 4 events

Are you a registered volunteer and interested in helping out at one of these events? 

Sports Day Friday 3 November, Week 3. 

Picnic at Pauls Friday 10 November, Week 4. 

We are looking for people interested in helping with the BBQ sausage sizzle on these days. If you have some availability and would like to help out, we would love to hear from you. Please reach out to Jess Robinson for more information or to share your availability for these events

Becoming a Registered Volunteer

If you would like to become a registered volunteer at St Paul, please speak with our admin team and a volunteer pack can sent home to begin this process. All registered volunteers require a current WWCC clearance and need to complete the Valuing Safe Communities training. If you have any questions, please contact Jess Robinson 

Term 4 Chapels and Assemblies

If you would like to watch our Chapels or Assemblies from home, you can view them through our closed Facebook group. If you need support to access this, please let us know.

Wednesday Chapel

This term will be exploring the story of Christmas each week in Chapel. Everyone is welcome to come along each Wednesday at 9am. Thank you to Mr Fay for leading us this morning. Our Chapel hosts this term will be:

Week 3 (1/11) Miss Bartlett sharing Mary visits Elizabeth

Week 4 (8/11) Reception Dixon sharing The Birth of John the Baptist

Week 5 (15/11) 2 Jeffery/ Ashmead sharing The Birth of Jesus

Week 6 (22/11) Mr Huxtable sharing The Shepherds and the Angels

Week 7 (29/11) 5 Lethborg sharing Jesus Presented in the Temple

Week 8 (6/12) Reception Christmas Concert

Week 9 (13/11) Closing Chapel with Pastor Matt 


Friday Assemblies

Everyone is welcome to come along to Assemblies, held at 9am on Fridays in our hall. Our Assembly hosts this term will be:

Week 2 (27/10) 4 Fisher

Week 3 (3/11) No Assembly- Sports Day

Week 4 (10/11) 3 Burgan

Week 5 (17/11) 1 Sheedy & Reception Cameron

Week 6 Seniors (6 Morrison)

Week 7 Sports Presentation

Week 8 Presentation Assembly

Sports Day Early Departure e-form

A friendly reminder to complete the Sports Day Early Departure e-form that was emailed out to families last week. The e-form will ask if your child will be leaving school at 1.30pm at the conclusion of Sports Day on Friday 3 November. (Please note- children who are leaving at 1.30pm must be collected from their classroom at the end of Sports Day) The e-form closes on Tuesday 31 October to assist us in planning supervision for children staying at school in the afternoon. For children remaining at school after 1.30pm, they will be supervised in the Year 4 classrooms until Kiss and Drop opens from 3.10pm-3.45pm. After 3.45pm, children will be taken to SPLASH as per our usual process.