From the Deputy Principal

Jason Fay

Week 7 and 8 Assembly 

In Week 7, we will hold our annual Sport Presentation Assembly. Children who have represented the school on the sports field this year will be recognised for their achievements and representation.

In Week 8, we celebrate our annual Presentation Assembly. School Captains and Community Leaders for 2024 will be announced and presented, the Magazine cover (front and back) will be revealed and other groups such as SRC, Choir and Chapel Band will also be recognised. 

These are very special celebrations for children as they are publicly acknowledged for their achievements and contributions across a whole year. If you can arrange to be at school on these mornings, come along and join us, or watch along on the livestream in our closed Facebook group.  


2024 Class Allocations

I am seeking any input from parents regarding 2024 class allocations. If you have any substantial information that you believe should be considered during the class allocation process for next year, please email me at Next Thursday, November 2 is the last day that these requests can be considered. 

School Calendar 

The school calendar as we approach the end of the year is very full! If you would like to be present or volunteer during the many upcoming events please block these times out in your calendar. Some highlights that are fast approaching include…

  • Fri Nov 3: Sports Day 
  • Monday Nov 6: Book Fair begins
  • Friday Nov 10: Picnic at Pauls (after-school celebration)
  • Wednesday Nov 15: Connected Schools Athletics Carnival 

The school calendar can be accessed at