Aboriginal Education Officer's Report
Aboriginal Education Officer’s Report
By Helen Wenner
AEO Training in Moree
This year, the Aboriginal Education Officers’ training was held in Moree over two days in November. The day started with a Welcome to Country by a local Moree Elder and it was a great opportunity to catch up with other AEO’s from around the region and hear what is working well in their respective schools and communities.
Local AECG
The Wee Waa Local Aboriginal Education Consultative Group (WWAECG) held their AGM on Thursday 26th October where the committee for 2024 was elected. Officer bearers include;
Chairperson - Bernadette Melton
Vice Chairperson - Sam Hamilton
Treasurer - Helen Wenner
Secretary – Vacant.
Nominations for the position of Secretary remain open. We encourage anyone who is interest to get in touch.
WWHS Transition Day
During our incoming Year 7 transition day this term I ran a cultural understanding class where I introduced one of the traditional Aboriginal tools, the Message Stick. We shared stories of the purpose and the uses for the message stick. Students then got to create their own message stick message by drawing a picture, describing the local environment we live in and what they’d like the to see in the new school. The artwork was very creative and expressed what our school motto of ‘Strive for Success’ means for them. The stories will be placed on the Message Stick and will be handed to the principal next year.
I would like to say a big thank you to our Aboriginal parents who come along to the transition BBQ on the same day for incoming Year 7 students.
Year 10 Mock Interviews
On the 16th of November, Wee Waa High School, held our annual mock interviews. It was terrific to have two members of our local Aboriginal community on the interview panel who volunteered their time to help students develop these important life skills.
A big thank you to Aunty Maude Smith and Mrs Bernadette Melton who were a part of the day.
Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas.
Helen Wenner
Didgeridoo Making Workshop
This term a large number of our male students had a great time crafting their very own digeridoo with Uncle Mark as part of another North West Local Lands Service cultural heritage development program.
Bush Tucker Program
Our fortnightly bush tucker program this week focused on the quondong (Santalum acuminatum) plant and its traditional use as a food source and as a decorative item. Students learnt from Sydney University research scientist, Angela Pattison how to plant the seeds for greatest germination success, while Sissy Hamilton of the Wee Waa LALC and Jess from NDCAS worked with the girls to use the quondong seeds and beads to make earrings.