Principal's Message 

To Our Students, Your Parents and Guardians and Our Community 


I am thrilled to have been offered the permanent position of Principal at WWHS and look forward to working together as a community to continue to grow and develop our school in the years to come.


Once again this year the students and staff at Wee Waa High have had to overcome the challenges of operating at our temporary site. In spite of this they have left no stone unturned, both in and outside the classroom, to engage in a great variety of educational activities. 


I’d like to acknowledge the staff at Wee Waa High School. Your dedication, resilience and commitment to our students is unwavering. It takes a village to raise a child as they say, and our teaching and nonteaching staff play such an important role in our students' development. 


Our staff are committed to providing our students with a wide variety of academic, sporting and cultural education activities. They are always willing to put up their hand to organise breakfast club, be at our homework centre, coach sporting teams, take excursions and so much more. If it wasn’t for them, we would not be able to provide the range of opportunities we do. Many schools are not in this position. Dedication is a defining attribute of our staff. 


There have been so many highlights across 2023, but I just wanted to share some so you can appreciate what our students and staff have achieved this year:

  • Jonathan Thurston – Lead Like a Girl program, made possible with the assistance of funding from NBN, has enabled a group of girls to take part in an outstanding leadership program delivered by an inspirational team of young women at the JT Academy. 
  • Flood Recovery Program – A great number of our students had the opportunity to take part on one of two fully funded excursions during 2023 as part of the NSW DoE Flood Recovery Program. One group flew from Moree to Sydney to attend a range of activities including the Schools Spectacular concert, the second involved 40 Stage 5 students attending a Resilience Camp at lake Burrendong
  • Students engaged in a variety of science activities with the Engineers Without Boarders program with UNSW.
  • A huge thank you to Bernadette Melton for involving us in the Deadly in Generation STEM program – which looks at increasing authentic STEM activities through connection with our local community.
  • A successful Industry Connection night was held this term to continue to grow our School Based Apprenticeships & Traineeships (SBATs) program through further building on our relationships with local businesses, who host our students and provide quality work experience over the course of the two-year program. We are exceptionally grateful for their support. Again, it takes a community.
  • A weekly Bush Tucker program ran this semester for Year 7 students at the WWLLC in conjunction with North West Local Lands Services under the guidance of the very talented Dr Angela Patterson. many of your would be familiar with Dr Patterson's celebrated work with native grains. 
  • This term a large number of our male students had a great time crafting their very own digeridoo with Uncle Mark as part of another North West Local Lands Service cultural heritage development program.
  • NSW State Inclusive Sport Ten Pin Bowling State final – a huge thanks to WTC Group and Schwager Civil & Concreating for supporting Isaac, Charlie, Lexie and Leanne to go to Sydney and represent not only our school, but the district.
  • We received two NSW sporting grants this year that provided the opportunity to run a number of new sports at WWHS - Equestrian Sports and Dragon Boat Racing were both a huge success with students.
  • WWHS continued to enter a range of sports and we’ve had a number of students represent the North West in areas such as touch football, netball, lawn bowls, softball and cricket. It was great to see Matilda Currey represent us at NSW CHS Athletics, our Lawns Bowls team of Hunter, Kyne and Brock making it to the NSW state finals, and Millie Collins who recently competed in the North West team at the NSWCHSSA Championships.

I am always so proud when our students return from events and excursions and more often than not I receive feedback that our students are polite, well behaved and always participate fully in opportunities. This I know makes us all proud. 


It was terrific to see so many of our students and their families at this week's Speech Night celebrations. Acknowledging and celebrating growth and achievement is so important.


I am taking leave during Term 1 and my ever capable Deputy, Ms Marjory Drummond will be relieving in my role. 


Sincerest thanks to everyone from across our community who has supported our great school this year and we look forward to collaborating with you in 2024.


Merry Christmas.


Jacqueline Nil
