
Plenty is happening in the garden as we celebrate the warmer weather.
Big thanks to the families who came along to the working bee recently!
With our broad bean harvest we made a delicious vegan dip for students to share
We were delighted to harvest carrots planted earlier in the year. Summer crops of tomatoes and cucumbers have been planted, new trellises installed, and beds are being prepared for more plantings such as beans, zucchini and pumpkins.
We have been busy potting up some native billy buttons and everlasting daisies.
Students created miniature gardens while learning about the adaptations succulents which help them to thrive in hot and dry climates.
In exciting news, our scarecrow was awarded Best group effort as part of the Rathdowne Rummage!
If you'd like to help with the plant stall at the Arts Festival please sign up here:
Plant Stall Sign Up - Google Docs
We are also inviting donations of seedlings + garden produce - please reach out to Emily via the office if you have anything to share.