Arts Festival News

How to read this schedule
If your child learns an instrument at TPS they are part of T.I.M.E - look at the T.I.M.E Performance lists to see which group they are in and then check the schedule to see what time that group performs.
Classroom Music/Orchestra
Where the schedule says Classroom Music or Orchestra, all students in that class are invited to perform the piece they have been preparing with Erica or Caitlin.
Bird Call Competition
Everyone attending the Arts Festival is invited to join in the Bird Call Competition, judged by Aawa White! It’s a great opportunity to do some deep listening to the birds in your garden, park or street. All bird calls welcome!
Community Jam (and rehearsal info)
Join the Jam - bring your own instrument or use one at school. The parts and info about the Community Jam can be found here: Community Jam - TPS Arts FesT - Google Drive
There will be an open rehearsal on Wednesday 15th November in the Music room after school.
Volunteering Information
Food Stalls
Each class organises a food stall at the Festival. Ask your Class Carer or Stall Rep about your class’s food stall. Put your name down to help at your Class Stall Here:
Roster Sign Up - TPS Arts FesT - Google Drive
Other Ways To Help:
Setting up the Displays
Sign up to lend your creative support with setting up art and craft displays in the Babajen on Friday 17th Nov during or after school!
Being a Roadie
Sign up to help our amazing parent Dave Letch with set up and pack down of the stages (sign up for Friday Set Up or Festival Pack Down).
Keeping our Festival Green and Clean
Sign up to help at the washing up station so we can limit waste.
Sign up to join the Enviro Team at the plant stall.
Being Crafty
Sign up to help at the parent craft stall.
Being Musical
Sign up to help at the Bird Call and Join the Jam session.
All the links to each signup sheet can found in this folder:
Roster Sign Up - TPS Arts FesT - Google Drive
Donations of Art/Craft Material for Student Stalls
Students have been very busy designing and creating stalls that will keep kids engaged on the day. Some student stalls will require adult assistance. If your child is involved in a student lead stall it would be fantastic if you could support them on the day.
This year we are asking for donations of wool, pompoms, glue sticks, masking and sticky tape, and any material that could be used for construction. Please leave donations near the art room door.
We are also looking for nail polish and tattoos that students can use in the transformation stall.
We are also inviting donations of seedlings + garden produce - please reach out to Emily via the office if you have anything to share.