Blessing of the Boats

Pictured above: Stephen Kerin, Fr Suresh, Greg Kerin, Jon Franzin (St Virgil's College Principal), Damian Messer (St Mary's College Principal) Andrew Pinelli (President of the SMC-SVC Rowing Club) and Oliver Wilson-Haffenden (Director of Rowing).


It was fortunate that both Stephen and Greg Kerin were able to be present for the Blessing of the Boats on Tuesday 24 October.


Stephen stopped rowing about seven years ago and as part of his ‘moving on’ donated four sculling boats to the College.


Earlier in the year Stephen happened across a Hudson Eight for sale in Brisbane and together with his brother Greg decided to jointly fund its purchase along with a set of new sweep oars to gift to the College. Stephen also donated his remaining single scull and five sets of sculling oars. Furthermore, he organized for the transportation of all of the above to their new home at the New Town Rowing Centre. 


The eight has been named the S & G Kerin, and the single scull the Shirley Kerin in honour of their mother. The College is most appreciative of the generosity of the Kerins. 


Rowing at both St Virgil’s and St Mary’s is really blossoming. For the past two years St Virgil’s has won the aggregate points trophy at the Head of the River. Next year, the College moves back to Year 12 – when will we win another elusive Head of the River? The groundwork is certainly in place.


The SMC-SVC Rowing Club is keen to add to its fitness/strength equipment stock. Oliver Wilson-Haffenden (Director of Rowing SMC-SVC) would love to acquire no-longer used/disused bikes and fitness equipment or donations for the purchase of same. Please contact Oliver on 0401 091 039 if you have items for donation.