Arts News

We are excited to share ART SHOW - AUCTION news with our CPS community! In 2023, each class at Carnegie Primary School has created one collaborative art work available for purchase to the highest bidder. The Auction will launch online to enable everyone to view the collaborative Art works. The collaborative art works will also be on view at the ART SHOW in our Gym, commencing Wednesday 13th December at 3:45pm.

More information coming soon!


The Prep students have enjoyed learning about famous abstract artist, Wassily Kandinsky. Every Prep student painted paper using bright colours and cut out large, medium and small circles. The Preps arranged the circles to create flowers and have drawn colourful stems. We hope you like our KANDINSKY FLOWERS.


The Year 1 students have been learning all about the artist, Paul Klee. They used watercolours to create their own coloured and patterned paper that they cut into shapes to create their KLEE CASTLE AND SUN.


The Year 2 students have painted a wooden boomerang with their own design inspired by Emily Kame Kngwarreye. Together they have made a KNGWARREYE MINI BOOMERANG.


The Year 3 students were inspired by Victorian artist, Pete Cromer. They drew a budgie bird and used watercolours to create their own CROMER MINI BUDGIES.

The Year 4 students have learned so much about artist Jenny Kee and her focus on symbols of Australian flora and fauna. They created an art work based on Kee’s, ‘OPAL’. Each student has contributed a colourful drawing to our KEE OPAL art work.


The Year 5 students had a colourful term learning about the life and art of, Vincent van Gogh. Each student has drawn and painted a flower for our VAN GOGH SUNFLOWERS.


The Year 6 students are celebrating their CPS journey. Each student has each designed and decorated a leaf for their TREE OF LIFE art work.