Years 10-12 Coordinator

Meaghan King

Year 11 Study Room Upgrade is Complete!

The Year 11s, in collaboration with SLC, have successfully upgraded Room 6 just in time to use this space to study hard for exams!  Congratulations to these students for making positive changes happen in the school.  This space is to be used strictly for studying, and not socialising or break times.

Unit 2 Exams

Unit 2 exams will take place from Monday 13th – Wednesday 15th November.  These are compulsory assessments, and all students studying a Unit 2 subject are expected to sit them.  Students were given a detailed timetable on Monday, and will be given a list of protocols and expectations for the exam period on Thursday.  A detailed timetable will also be uploaded to Compass.  Please note that all exams have 10 minutes of reading time, and 90 minutes of writing time, other than English which allows 120 minutes of writing time.  If there are any concerns regarding these exams, please contact Miss King.


Year 10 Exams

Year 10 exams will take place on Wednesday 15th and Friday 17th November.  Thursday has been set aside for VET completion, or private study.  These are compulsory assessments, and all Year 10 students are expected to sit them.  Students were given a detailed timetable today, along with a list of protocols and expectations for the exam period.  A detailed timetable will also be uploaded to Compass.  If there are any concerns regarding these exams, please contact Miss King.  Please note that any students studying Unit 2 General Mathematics can find this exam timetabled in the Unit 2 timetable.  Please note that all Year 10 exams have 10 minutes of reading time and 60 minutes of writing time.

Year 12 reminders


Deakin Regional Access Scheme – OPEN NOW

Federation Uni Early Offer – Close 1st December


CASPer TEST(On-line) – Education Courses

Last day to sit the test: 

Nov 12, 2023 - 10:00 AM


VCE Results and the ATAR


Careers Availability for Year 12 Students

Sue is still available for Career appointments with the 2023 Year 12 students.

Appointments can be face-to-face, via email, phone or WEBex 

Email: or

Mobile: 0429 426 950


VTAC Webinar for Year 12 applicants

Wednesday 15th November 6.00 pm


VTAC is running an ATAR and Scaling Webinar for Year 12 Applicants

The Webinar is designed to discuss all things related to ATAR's scaling of subjects and setting your preferences.


Registration link can be found here:


Year 12 students – Australian Government Services

Year 12 students, now that School is finished it is a great time to start researching your eligibility for any study/benefits for 2024 study @ TAFE (including Apprentices), Private Providers or University. e.g., Youth Allowance, Rent assistance, Tertiary Access Payment, Low Income Health Care Card etc. 



Australian Jobs & Skills Shortages

Jobs and Skills Australia leads work on skills shortage analysis including the annual Skills Priority List and reports on Skills Shortages.


The Skills Priority List (SPL) provides a detailed view of occupations in shortage in Australian and by each state and territory including the future demand for occupations in Australia. The SPL is released annually as a point-in-time assessment of the labour market. 

To view the latest Australian jobs and skills shortages visit:


AIE | Open Day

Saturday 18th November, 10.00 am – 3.00 pm

Discover the courses designed to get you started in game development, 3D animation, film and visual effects at the AIE Open Day on Saturday 18th November 2023. This event will be held at AIE Campuses in Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra and Adelaide from 10am to 3pm.

AIE’s Open Day is a great opportunity to meet our teachers, staff and students. The day will cover everything you need to know about the:

  • careers in games and VFX that we train students for;
  • studios and industries that we work with;
  • courses we offer – from beginners to professional mastery, and;
  • the software, skills and knowledge we teach.

AIE’s Open Day will also include presentations on entry requirements and how to apply. Find out how AIE can get you into a creative career.
