
Jamie Daff

2023 School Magazine Orders 

Staff are busily working on this year's magazine, and it is looking terrific! Can all families who are wishing to order a magazine please place their order at the Front Office and pay by the end of THIS week - Friday the 10th of November.  Magazines are $23 per copy.  Magazines will be handed out at Awards Night by the Advisory Teacher. 


English Competition

Charlton College students once again did well in the annual English Competition. Students were chosen based on classroom performance and attitude and all participants are to be congratulated on their selection! The online test is designed to recognise academic excellence; students are assessed on their ability to apply classroom learning to new contexts using higher-order thinking and problem-solving skills. We are proud of all the students who represented Charlton College this year.


Participation Certificates 

Samuel Cossar (Yr 5), Jacinta-Lee Elso (Yr 5), Marley McGurk (Yr 5), Anna Fitzpatrick (Yr 6), Erin Blair (Yr 7), Mitchell Boyle (Yr 7), Murphy Fitzpatrick (Yr 7), James Fitzpatrick (Yr 8), Josie Larmour (Yr 8), Heidi Start (Yr 8), Leigh Van Boven (Yr 8), Sarah Blair (Yr 9), Michael Olive (Yr 9), Abbey Whitfield (Yr 9) and Emmersyn Nelson (Yr 10).


Merit Certificates  

Elise Fitzpatrick (Yr 10)


Credit Certificates

Ruby Radcliffe (Yr 8) 


Distinction Certificates

Thomas Judd (Yr 4)