
Last week, we were very honoured to have Daryl and Jenny from the Rotary Club of Rowville-Lysterfield attend our EarlyAct meeting. They even brought some Zooper Doopers to donate to our weekly stalls! They ainvited the EarlyAct members to one of their Rotary meetings and dinner in November.
In other EarlyAct news, we have now purchased 16 sports stands for our classrooms, planted a new EarlyAct tree after our last one was taken during the school holidays and raised more than $400 for ShareSpace from our Zooper Dooper sales.
Due to the public holiday next week, there will be no Zooper Dooper sales on Monday. Instead, we will be running our stall on Thursday at lunchtime instead.
Thank-you on behalf of the EarlyAct Club.
Park Ridge is a proud donation partner of the Container Deposit Scheme. The EarlyAct Club have been involved in setting this up and they hope to raise enough funds through this venture to put sports equipment stands in every classroom.
If you would like to help us fundraise for this, simply collect cans and bottles that have the 10c marker on them and return them to your local Container Deposit Facility. If you download the CDS Vic North and CDS Vic East Apps and search for Park Ridge as a donation partner, a barcode appears that you can then scan when you deposit your containers. The funds will be processed straight into our Park Ridge account.
The closest refund points to Park Ridge are:
- Rowville Milk Bar: 318 Dandelion Drive, Rowville
- CDS Vic Depot Rowville: 54 Henderson Road, Rowville
- Wellington Village Shopping Centre: 1100 Wellington Road, Rowville
Thank-you for your ongoing support.
The EarlyAct Club