Safety & First Aid News
IMPORTANT - Community reminder when moving around the school grounds of CSPS (on foot and in vehicles)
The information below has been shared multiple times throughout the past years but we do ask that families have a read and familiarise themselves with the information below. It is for the health and safety of the entire Cranbourne South community.
- The Kiss and Go Zone is accessible at 8.45am and 3.30pm.
- Adults delivering/picking up children to use the footpaths entering the school. Please do not walk through the staff carpark.
- Parking in the KISS and GO zone is prohibited. Adults found in this area will be asked to move their car.
- Parents using the Kiss and Go at 3.30pm are to have a white, A4 sign in the dashboard with the family surname clearly seen.
- Driving through the staff carpark as a thoroughfare is prohibited.
- Drivers are NOT to overtake vehicles as this is a safety concern for staff escorting students to the opposite side of the car. Drivers are to be patient.
- In the afternoons, if your child is not ready for your pickup, drivers will be asked to 'do a loop'. Any disagreement will be reported to the Principal. Note: If you arrive between 3.40 and 3.45pm, the traffic flow has dramatically improved.
To ensure a safe flow of traffic along Browns Road, users of the Kiss and Go area are
highly encouraged to turn left INTO the driveway and left OUT of the driveway (this would mean that users driving from the Westernport Hwy along Browns Road should turn around at roundabout towards the school).
- The carpark is for CSPS employees ONLY.
- Families are to park in a parking bay on Browns and Pearcedale Roads.
- Adults are to abide by school, traffic laws and local road rule expectations.
- Adults who park illegally eg. along roads where there are no official parking bays, on the nature strip park or at the Cranbourne South Store, do so at their own peril.
- Parents who require special parking consideration are to discuss their needs directly with the Principal class and will be documented accordingly.
Any misbehaviour from adults (including road use by the crossing supervisor) will be reported to the principal class to address accordingly and will be documented. If misbehaviour continues, use of the Kiss and Go will be removed and authorities may be involved including notification to Vicroads, City of Casey and the Police.
- Ensure ample time to drop off/pick up students to allow for safe use.
- Park a slight distance away from school, park and walk - a terrific way to get some fresh air.
- If age appropriate, encourage students to walk, ride, scooter to school to develop independence.