Building and Grounds News
There will be a number of contractors onsite in the school break.
The aborist will be in school to do a variety of works on trees. This will include trimming branches and making them safe.
The Hub area will be painted over the break, including a deep clean of the roof. This will bring this building in line with the rest of the school.
Some portable buildings will be undergoing roof repairs. If you see workmen on the roof, they will be carrying out this work.
The area behind the Year 1 portables will be cleared, topped up and fenced in preparation for a new sensory play area.
A pump will be installed beside our water tanks.
Some play equipment will be installed out the front of the gallery for a Foundation play area. (fingers crossed!)
As always, we rely on the community to keep an eye on the school during weekends and break times. If you see anyone acting suspiciously, please contact the police.
The Buildings and Grounds team