Student Leader's Report
Every Wednesday at 11:30am all of the College Captains and House Captains have a student leadership meeting where we discuss important topics to help enhance our school. Some important topics we have discussed recently include
- Focus groups: In focus groups we collect every class captain for each class in a certain year level and we collect information about how their peers feel about their learning environments and the different aspects we can change to improve our learning environment. Topics that we have discussed include differentiation, clubs, hands-on learning and general school improvement.
- Surveys: Currently we are creating surveys that help understand more deeply about students’ mental health and learning. We are working together with our new Student Voice Leaders, Mariyama and Giggles, to get a wider student voice from more students.
- Lunch & recess clubs: Our student leadership group has worked with Miss Hannah Tooze to form these activities groups for years 4-7 that students can attend during break time which teaches you a variety of different things such as, Japanese, water colouring, origami and many other activities!
Adele Zhang
Year 6 College Captain