Mission & Religious Education News

Upcoming Important Church Calendar Days



Tue 15 Saint Teresa of Ávila

Wed 16 Saint Hedwig, Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque

Thu 17 Saint Ignatius of Antioch

Fri 18 Saint Luke

Sat 19 Saints John de Brébeuf and Isaac Jogues and their Companions, Saint Paul of the Cross  

Tue 22 Saint John Paul II

Wed 23 Saint John of Capistrano

Thu 24 Saint Antony Mary Claret 

Mon 28 Saints Simon and Jude



FAQs: Why do we use incense?

Incense is a symbol of our prayers ascending to God. It also symbolises purification, honour and the presence of the Holy Spirit. Based originally on Old Testament tradition, the use of incense in the Christian liturgy dates back to the fourth century in the east, later spreading to the west. The word incense comes from the Latin incensum ( literally, ‘something burned’) and from incendere (‘to kindle’). 



Ignite Conference

A quick shout out to the students from McCarthy and St Mary’s Gunnedah who made up the Diocesan group who attended the Ignite  Conference in Sydney during the holidays. Thanks especially to Katie Buckman and Sandra Garnett, supervising teachers who supervised a really wonderful experience.


Pope Francis Prayer Day for Peace

Last Monday Pope Francis called Catholics across the world to pray for peace in the Middle east. At the Cathedral Parish Mass was followed by the Rosary for those afflicted by the horrors of war. We contintue to petition Our Lady of the Rosary to intercede for us for peace.


Hail, Mary, full of grace,

the Lord is with thee.

Blessed art thou amongst women

and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.

Holy Mary, Mother of God,

pray for us sinners,

now and at the hour of our death. 
