Wellbeing Hub
Speech-language pathology – Kirsty Knight
Wellbeing Hub
Speech-language pathology – Kirsty Knight
The transition from primary to secondary school can be a big leap, filled with new responsibilities, schedules, and expectations. During the holiday period, you and your child can continue to prepare for the transition to Year 7.
You may like to consider:
These small steps can help students feel confident and equipped for success, both academically and socially, as they transition into junior secondary. For further information, click on this link: Fact sheet for parents/carers.
Written by Rebecca Sparrow and Madonna King - Out of the Box
As we focus on helping students transition successfully and build skills that last, we’re excited to recommend Out of the Box by Rebecca Sparrow and Madonna King. This insightful guide is a fantastic resource for navigating the unique journeys of neurodivergent students.
Rebecca Sparrow and Madonna King have teamed up and written a book which is a one-stop guide to navigating neurodivergence. Out of the Box offers best-practice advice on navigating diagnosis and ongoing challenges, such as finding friends and learning at school. It also provides vital advice for teens, including driving, living independently and applying for jobs. This essential guide provides hope, insight and practical help for the neurodivergent child's journey and the parents, teachers, friends and family who share it.
For many students, especially those who find reading challenging, the holiday break is a time when reading takes a back seat. Here are some ideas to keep reading enjoyable and engaging books during the break: