Science News
Welcome back to Term 4!
The Science department has busy completing SACs, revision for exams and completing various pracs.
The year 7s have been exploring the world of biology by looking at adaptations and dichotomous keys which been meant work on computers and textbooks.
The year 8s have been examining the rock cycle through sugar. The year 9s have planted beans and are busy making mazes in shoe boxes for the beans to grown through. The year 10 science investigations have been finishing off alternative energy and water testing of Dandenong Creek.
The year 10 psychology classes are looking at forensic psychology.
The year 11 chemistry class is completing individual investigations of different chemical reactions which is keeping both Mr Young and Ms Oslen very busy.
Year 12s are keeping their teachers busy with exam preparation and we encourage the year 12s to continue seeing their teachers for help.
Year 8 Rock Cycle
DNA in Biology
Marquita Corr
Curriculum Area Leader - Science