Years 2 & 3

The last few weeks have flown by....we have been so busy!
- Whole school performance 'The Rise of the Steals'.
- P-2 excursion to the Halls Gap Zoo
- P-2 Gruffalo excursion at Horsham
- 3-6 Camp to Melbourne
- The Fleece and Flower Show
- Swimming
We have continued to enjoy our class text Wandi. This week we read all about how Wandi came to live in the Dingo Discovery Sanctuary at the foothills of the Macedon Ranges near Melbourne. Wandi is cared for by Lyn, the founder of the sanctuary which was started over two decades ago.
We have also been busy completing end of year assessments and learning all about homophones. Homophones are words that are pronounced the same but have different meanings and spellings. Eg. to, too, two / their, there, they're We did a fun treasure hunt around the classroom looking for homophones and selecting the right one, depending on the sentence. Eg. The son/sun was very hot today.
In Numeracy we have been developing our number fluency by practicing adding single digits, doubles and near doubles. We have also been learning a variety of mental addition strategies, such as the jump strategy.