Notes from the Principal

Fleece & Flower Show
Congratulations to all students on their contributions to the Annual Fleece and Flower Show. I am glad I did not have to judge the work on display as it was all of a very high calibre.
Many thanks to Mrs Bell who led the staff in putting up the displays, and thanks to those who stayed and helped at pack up.
The Year 5&6 class had a great time running the games stalls. The nerf gun target game was a hit, as were the Mystery Jars. Thanks to the families who generously donated jars.
This year was my first experience of the Fleece and Flower Show. It was a terrific evening, and a genuine display of the strength in our Cavendish Community. The Fleece and Flower Show is a tradition we need to hold dear to our hearts into the future.
Senior Camp
12 lucky students had an absolute blast in Melbourne. We got to experience so many activities in a short period of time, so getting to sleep each night was a breeze! Mrs Steele didn’t even have to grump once at children who were not going to sleep!
All of the activities were great, but definite highlights were laser tag, bowling, ice skating and the Court Case drama at Old Melbourne Gaol. Some of our talented student actors (who you may remember from our performance) got into their roles, acting out the trial of Ned Kelly.
As an educator who has been on many camps over the years, this one was an absolute joy. One of the parent helpers referred to it as a “holiday”, and to be honest, that is what it felt like. Our students were a pleasure to take on this experience. Many, many thanks to our helpers Tim Huf and Ben Cross. They are the best bus driver/navigator duo ever. (I let Tim be the navigator even though I knew I was better qualified for the job).
"The Gruffalo"
Miss Gray, Chloe and Miss McLeod travelled to Horsham with our F-2 students to watch the performance of "The Gruffalo". The children tell me it was a great show, with a particularly cheeky snake character! The had a picnic lunch in Horsham before travelling back to school.
The students had been studying the book “The Gruffalo” in class, so this was a great way to round off their text experience. We were able to provide this experience free of charge thanks to a Federal Government Mental health funding boost.
Swimming Program
We are halfway through our swimming program at HILAC. Every student taking part is showing a true growth mindset, having a go and giving it their best. As usual, their manners are impeccable, listening to the teachers and following instructions. Even the bus driver commented on what a great group of kids we have at Cavendish Primary School (we already knew that)!
Next week Swimming will be Tuesday-Friday from 12.30-2.30pm.
Congratulations Ricky Luhrs!
On Thursday 21 November (in the heat) Ricky competed in the GPT100 at Halls Gap. Cheered on by his family, Ricky completed his run in 8 hours and 22 minutes, placing 37th out of 140 competitors. Many congratulations on this achievement Ricky, from all at Cavendish Primary School.
Smile Squad
As per the announcement sent out on the school app Smile Squad will now be coming on Wednesday 18th and Thursday 19th December. If you haven't done so already, please forward your paper consent forms to school by no later than next Wednesday morning so they can be collected. If you need another copy there are some spares in the office.
Have a great weekend.
Kate Steele