Grade 1/2 News
Term 4, Week 2
Grade 1/2 News
Term 4, Week 2
Term 4 Dates
Be Awesome Day - Donations
As our annual Be Awesome Day is quickly approaching we are seeking donations to support our stalls, if you are able to donate something we will be most appreciative:
Getting Creative...
As part of our topic unit 'Robot Buddies' we are looking at the concept of design and designing things to solve a problem. We are also exploring different ways to use materials and how different mediums might be appropriate for joining different materials.
Reading, Writing and Spelling:
Our focus texts for the next fortnight are:
Students will have practise using the reading strategies of predicting, comparing and contrasting and also tuning into interesting vocabulary, whilst being read these books.
During Writing lessons students will be focusing on up-levelling their recount writing by adding greater detail and the increased use of correct punctuation. They will also begin writing persuasive texts, where they will practise forming an opinion and giving a reason to justify their point of view.
Phonemes and spelling rules for the rest of term 4 will include:
Week 3: revise oo/ew/ue/u_e/u
Spelling rule - silent e rule/split digraph
Week 4: revise ir/ur/er/or
Spelling rule - Plural -s and -es
Week 5: schwa
Spelling rule - ck, tch, dge rule
Week 6: revise sh/ch/ti/ci
Spelling rule - soft c and g rule
Week 7: s/ss/se/ce/x/c
Spelling rule - adding suffixes to base words
Week 8: z/zz/s/se
Spelling rule - revise
Weeks 9/10 & 11: Revise based on student need
Mathematics: Students will be learning about our four seasons, the months that occur within each season and also the types of weather which are typical to that season.
In week 4 we are exploring the concept of time further, including telling the time on an analogue clock.
Topic: During topic sessions students will be sharpening their design skills. They will design a new take on a chair and then combine two existing objects to help solve a problem.
RRRR: Our Respectful Relationships topic is 'Problem Solving'. Students will focus on the size of different problems they might encounter and will participate in a range of games and activities which encourage problem solving skills and co-operation. Please see the Engagement and Well-being page for a Respectful Relationships lesson from 1/2 Edwards.