Engagement & Wellbeing

Resilience, Rights & Respectful Relationships: Term 4 Topics
Topic 7 ‘Gender and Identity’ and Topic 8 ‘Positive Gender Relations’
Within Topic 7, students will think about their likes and dislikes and learn to recognise that they may be the same or different to their peers. Following this they will discuss how being different and liking different things is what makes us special. Within Topic 8, students will identify and express a range of emotions when interacting with others, what is safe and unsafe play and how to keep their body safe.
Grades One to Six
Topic 4 ‘Problem Solving’
During the topic on Problem Solving, students work towards building their resilience when playing games with others along with appropriate ways to solve problems. This is supported through role play and hands on activities to build their communication skills to support conflict resolution.
Respectful Relationships - 1/2 Edwards
This term in Respectful Relationships we are learning about problem solving. We have discussed the terms cooperative and uncooperative and what they mean when working in a team or group.
This week we played some cooperative games to help build our problem-solving skills. Students stood in a circle holding hands and had to work as a team to pass a hula hoop around without releasing hands. Afterwards, we discussed some of the things that people were doing during the activity and whether they were helpful or unhelpful. Some of the helpful skills that we identified included being helpful to each other, working together and not being unkind. We thought it was not helpful to yell at others or laugh at people if their idea did not work.
We are getting excited for our annual, ‘Be Awesome Day’ celebrations during week 4 (Friday, 1st November). Our day runs from 10:30-1:00 with the Colour Run to follow. Student passports are now available for purchase on Compass.
Please check your child/ren’s grade cohort pages in this newsletter to find out how you can best support them with donations!
If you are able to help out with volunteering your time at your child/ren’s stall, please contact their classroom teacher.
We are also looking for sausage sizzle volunteers. Please contact lauren.schulz@education.vic.gov.au if you are able to take a shift on the barbie!
A timetable with your shift time will be sent out closer to the date.
We invite families to bring a picnic blanket along and enjoy a sausage and a coffee on our front lawn during the day.
Please contact your child/ren's classroom teacher if you have any further queries!
Tomorrow at Assembly, we will announce our Level 1 and Level 2 whole school rewards. Students will be working towards achieving these rewards until the end of term.