Chaplain's Spot

Are our lives out of balance?
Which Olympic competitions did you watch and enjoy? Which ones inspired you? Perhaps there were even some that you thought, ‘Why is this in the Olympics?’
We watched a variety of sports, including swimming, diving, speed climbing and gymnastics. It was amazing to watch the balance of those athletes who performed on the balance beam. They [mostly] had such poise and focus.
I recently re-read one of my favourite challenging books – ‘Character Counts’ by Charles H Dyer. Some of the chapter headings include Honesty, Compassion, Faithfulness, Trust and Balance. Although this book was written specifically to Christians, these words near the beginning of the chapter ring true for all of us.
“Without a sense of balance, some burn out for overactivity, others rust out from lack of involvement, and others foul out from wrong decisions.”
We all need some sense of balance in our lives, to be able to keep going through all the challenges that we meet. I know that I appreciate greatly the time that I need to set aside at the end of each term, to be refreshed and renewed for the next term or year ahead.
It’s interesting to think about all the Olympians, and how their training schedules must be incredibly disciplined, and I wonder how they find time to create balance away from their training routines.
Parent contribution:
One of our parents [Jacinta] sent through the following link for a website that talks about ways parents can connect better with their children. It has a section that has many articles with lots of good ideas for a growth mindset:
Things I am thankful for:
During Term 4, I will feature some of the things in life for which people are most thankful. If you would like to share about your list at any time, feel free to email me on the address below. Perhaps you could have a family activity to each talk about your favourites …..
The first 3 are:
Friends – True friends are one of life’s greatest treasures. So, if you have found people willing to stick with you through thick and thin, you are indeed very fortunate.
Having food – No matter how bad your circumstances right now, if you still have something to eat, then you are much better off than many people around the world.
Freedom - Not everyone in the world enjoys the same liberties and privileges as we do. Let’s enjoy the freedom that we have, and, most importantly, be responsible with it.
Toast Tuesday: Our free Toast Tuesday program continues in Term 4 until December 3rd, from 8.30 until the first bell for the start of school.
Remember, we also have our second-hand uniform stock available for gold coin donations. Visit us on Tuesday mornings, as well as at assembly every second Friday. Thanks to families who have recycled unneeded uniform items for use by other families.
Odd Socks Term: Just for fun, in Term 4 each year I choose to wear odd socks. I have food socks, animal socks shapes, animated characters and more.
Contact: Feel free to email me, phone me or see me at school on my days listed below.
Alan Silverwood: Chaplain - Pastoral care for our community. [Tuesday, Friday]
[] Supporting the School community in emotional, social, spiritual and practical wellbeing.
Our Chaplaincy program is funded by the Federal Government’s ‘National Student Wellbeing Program’, the GRPS School Council and donations.