Specialist Happenings

Visual Arts
The art show was a raging success! Thank you to everyone who attended and most importantly to the students who put in a huge amount of work to make sure their artwork was displayed for all to see! A special thank you to the year 6 Arts Captains Hazel Delly, Julian Flannagan, Kiara Ajjan and Sienna Whitaker who worked tirelessly to assist us in putting on the show. As well as these upstanders, the entire year 6 cohort went above and beyond to help things run smoothly. They are a wonderful and compassionate group with an extraordinary work ethic. Thank you to you all!
If you were unable to attend, I will put some photos from the show here for all to see. It really did look amazing!
We have also been having a lot of fun this week in the lead up to Halloween. The foundation students have been doing some creative art investigations and have invented some wonderful Halloween decorations.
Have a wonderful week ahead and I am looking forward to the children having more creative adventures before the years end.
Live creatively!
Our Grade 1/2 students have been learning personality adjectives to describe different animals! Students practiced words like "cute," "lazy," "naughty," and "playful" and used them to create their own mini stories.
Each student chose an animal and crafted a description based on its personality. We heard stories of clever puppies, naughty kitten, and lazy chick, bringing the language to life in a fun and creative way.
It’s been a wonderful term of exploring Mandarin through storytelling, and we’re so proud of the students’ enthusiasm and imagination!
You are all amazing!
你们真棒!(Nǐmen zhēn bàng)
Miss. Low
Physical Education
In PE this term, our students have been building new skills and having a blast! Levels 3–6 have been diving into Flag Football, focusing on the "down, set, hut, snap" technique to get the ball to the quarterback, introducing flag belts, and learning some key defensive strategies. According to our students, the "pop" of the flags when pulled is especially "satisfying"! Moving forward, they’ll be taking on small-sided games, learning how to score touchdowns, and even stepping up as student umpires.
Our Level F–2 students have wrapped up their bouncing and passing skills unit and are eager to start learning the basics of Flag Football in the coming weeks. It’s fantastic to see such enthusiasm and teamwork across all levels!
On Tuesday 22nd October, the SEPS volleyball team competed in the Division playoffs in Frankston. The girls showed amazing skill, resilience and sportsmanship against some tough competition. Our girls won one game and lost one - going down by 2 points on the final set, to the eventual winners. Well done girls on what you achieved. We are all so proud of you.
Performing Arts
The show must go on! Book week can be a fraught time the performing arts room. While stories are at the heart of what we do, and colourful costumes are often employed, some costumes are more practical than others. That said it was amazing to see princesses, wizards, butterflies and all manner of characters joining in the drumming and acro-balance lessons.
Mr Scherpenhuizen