Principal's Message

As we move into this significant time of the year, I would like to take a moment to acknowledge our wonderful Year 12 students who finished their formal classes last week and are now in the final stages of preparing for their exams. The journey through Year 12 is one of dedication, perseverance, and personal growth, and our students have demonstrated remarkable resilience along the way.
In the lead-up to their exams, many Year 12s came in over the holidays to sit practice exams, a testament to their commitment to achieving their best. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to Ilana Parker and Emma Holman for overseeing this program, and to the many other teachers who supported our students during this crucial preparation period.
The final week of classes was filled with a variety of activities that allowed our Year 12s to celebrate their journey together. From spirited dodgeball games and BBQ lunches to creative dress-up days, the week was a fitting way to mark the end of formal classes. These activities culminated in two important events: the Reflection Assembly and the Valedictory Dinner. Both occasions gave students a chance to look back on their experiences, celebrate their achievements, and appreciate the strong bonds they have formed over the years.
I would also like to take this opportunity to acknowledge our incredible Year 12 Student Leadership Team. Throughout the year, these students have contributed many hours of their time to support and mentor younger students. Their leadership has embodied our school values of empowerment, inclusivity, creativity, and achievement. These values are at the heart of everything we do at MGSC, and our leaders have modelled them beautifully, leaving a lasting impact on the school community.
Although formal classes have concluded, our Year 12 students will continue to meet with their teachers in the lead-up to their exams. This dedicated time will allow them to further refine their knowledge and skills as they work towards their final assessments.
I wish each and every one of our Year 12s the very best as they approach this next chapter. Stay focused, remain confident in your abilities, and know that the entire MGSC community is behind you, cheering you on.
Warm regards,
Linda Brown