Senior Studies

Birthing Kits
The Year 12 Health and Human Development students gathered together to construct 200 birthing kits as part of their global health focus. The kits consisted of basic items that are collated and then distributed to those women in need in low income based countries via the Birthing Kit Foundation. The students were given an insight into the bare essentials needed to give birth and discussed the comparison to how fortunate we are here in Australia. Students were made aware of this form of taking social action, creating a positive change for those less fortunate than them. A real life experience reinforcing content covered in our course.
It was a full on start to Term 4, where Year 11 Chemistry students worked on gravimetric analysis to prepare for their final assessment for Unit 2. These students have come a long way, building on their lab skills and troubleshooting whenever their experiments encountered any stumbling blocks.
Ilana Parker
Health and Human Development Teacher
Lab Skills
It was a full on start to Term 4, where Year 11 Chemistry students worked on gravimetric analysis to prepare for their final assessment for Unit 2. These students have come a long way, building on their lab skills and troubleshooting whenever their experiments encountered any stumbling blocks.
Eki Chen
Chemistry Teacher