Dads of Burrendah
Our Dads of Burrendah group continued their momentum after their launch in early August with an inaugural "Dads Only" lawn bowls event. Coinciding with Friday, the 13th September, 9 dads of Burrendah Primary School children met up at the Willetton Bowls Club to put their "chilling" focus and "scary' bowling skills to the test. It was a great event with the dads using the opportunity to share their experiences as a father with the group.
The next event will be another "Dads Only" event - a (fundraising) sausage sizzle at Bunnings, Willetton on Saturday, 16th November. The funds will be used to cover costs for future events, enabling more fathers and children to participate.
If you know of a father that would be keen to join our group or get some more information, please use or share the QR code below.
Mitch Sherston
Dads of Burrendah - Group Leader