Term 4 School Fees statements were sent out to parents and are due by FRIDAY 15TH NOVEMBER. Please make payment by the due date unless other arrangements have been made.
If you are experiencing difficulty, please do not hesitate to contact the school office to arrange a payment plan.
Payment options include:
BPAY - preferred option (details on your School Fees statement)
EFTPOS - available at the school office
Compass Pay - in the Compass Portal Payment Centre
Cash - handed into the front office
Thank you for your co-operation.
It is extremely important that all parents and carers access the COMPASS Portal either via the Compass App on their phone or on their computer desktop. This is our parent communication platform for:
Please ensure that you have NOTIFICATIONS turned on for your Compass App so that you are notified of any communication from Compass.
If you are unable to access COMPASS or cannot remember your username, please contact Ms Traynor at the office for instructions.
It is important to communicate with the school if any relevant details for families or students have changed so that they can be updated on the Compass Portal. These may be: change of address, phone number, emergency contact person or phone number. Please send an email to with any changes.
This also includes any changes to your child/ren's pick-up arrangements for this term.
We are now accepting enrolments for 2025. If you intend to enrol your child in Kindergarten to Year 6, please contact Ms Traynor at the front office to collect an enrollment application. Please advertise with your friends and members of the community.