College/Year Level Captains' Report
This week, we hosted our fantastic Innovate & PBL Expo, where hundreds of parents and siblings came to witness the incredible efforts our students have invested over the past year. The showcased projects included prosthetic fingers, woodworking, and Food Tech. These remarkable creations were recognised with tokens, which would help determine the winners from each year level, who will receive vouchers.
Additionally, the Year 8s visited Gumbuya World this week, where they explored the park and conducted surveys of park visitors to assist them in designing their own theme parks, which they have been working on for the past few weeks.
The current Year 9s and 8s have been absolutely ecstatic, as last week we found out about our specialisms for the 2025 school year. This is quite an exciting experience with lots of chatter as friends compare classes and try to figure out if they’ll be in the same ones.
Recently, one half of the Year 9s finished up with their Community Connections. I was lucky enough to head over to East Beaumaris Kindergarten with three other students to assist the teachers and build friendships with some of the little ones. Meanwhile, the other remaining students have been working on their Market Day projects, creating stalls to sell items and raise money for a charity of their choice.
Louis N (Year 8) & Ariston J (Year 9)
Year Level Captains