From the Principal

Only 5 weeks left
There are only 5 weeks left for the 2024 school year but still so much to accomplish. Staff have commenced working on the classes for 2025. Our smaller numbers mean it is tricky to get the balance right for the classes. I can confirm that we are working on the following structure for 2025:
Junior Classes - Azure Building | Senior classes - Octane Building |
2 x Prep/1 classes | 2 x Grade 3-4 classes |
1 x Grade 1 class | 2 x Grade 5-6 classes |
2 x Grade 2 classes |
Work is still continuing but not finalised regarding staffing. I do anticipate some staff movement between classes and some staff will not be returning to us in 2025. I am delaying sharing this information with the community to minimise disruption in the classes. Student still have 5 weeks of learning to complete and I want the focus to be on this and not which teacher they may or may not have in 2025.
Fortunately, the students have had the opportunity to work with most staff in the school throughout the year when we have conducted multi-age activities like our Wednesday Wellbeing Clubs and the recent House Sports Day.
School Uniform Reminders
I have noticed that as the weather has become warmer, some students have not been wearing the correct uniform. As per our Uniform Policy, short, tight bike shorts are not part of our school uniform. The expectation is that all shorts will be knee length and loose fitting. There should be no logos on any shorts, only plain black shorts can be worn
If students are choosing to wear skorts, these must also be knee length. Netball skirts are not part of our uniform and are not permitted. I would encourage any students who wear the school dress to wear bloomers or bike shorts underneath the dress so you can still participate fully in any sporting activities.
All hair longer than shoulder length needs to be tied back using black or teal hair accessories.
The only jewellery we encourage is small studs or sleepers and a watch. Bracelets, rings and necklaces should not be worn unless for religious observance or for medical reasons.
We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring you send your children to school in the correct uniform. If you are experiencing financial hardship and are having difficulty purchasing suitable uniform, please contact the office and we can potentially make arrangements to access uniform for your child.
Parent Contributions
Letters have recently been sent home with students to request Parent Contributions to cover the cost of the student stationery package and other associated school costs including Compass. While these contributions are voluntary, any payments make a substantial difference to the running of the school. The less money we need to allocate to student stationery items, the more money we have to spend not only on the fun things students like but also on the little extras which make learning easier for children.
Any funds we receive goes towards things like employing additional Education Support Staff to support children with their learning, new technology devices, keeping our mini classroom libraries stocked with the latest new releases form the children's favourite authors, sports equipment, items needed for the Wednesday Wellbeing Clubs and booking groups like Kaboom to host our house sports.
Our Parent Contributions are very reasonably priced. We are not in the business of charging our families more than we need. But we do want to be able to offer our students the best we can so any contributions are definitely welcomed. We are happy to set up a payment plan for any families so that you can pay a little bit each week rather than having to pay all at once.
Thank you to the families who have already visited the office to make their payments.
Family Holidays
This time of year is often the time when our families head off overseas to see relatives. I understand the need to access the cheaper flights but do need to emphasise the negative impact this has on your child's learning. One of the main items identified in the School Review, was the high percentage of students who are absent for more than 20+ days per year. Children get sick, we understand this, but children missing the beginning and end of each year greatly impacts their learning which will effect their future employment and happiness.
If you are heading overseas, please contact the school as soon as possible so work can be prepared for your child to do while they are away. It is not possible for staff to gather suitable items for a child in their class with only 1-2 days notice.
28 February 2025 is school census day. The number of students at school on this day determines how much funding the school will receive. If a child is away on this day the school will receive $8000 - $10 000 less funding per student not at school.
I ask all families to carefully consider when you schedule family holidays and make sure your child is back at Lalor East Primary School by Wednesday 29 January 2025.
Linda Richards