What's happening in Wellbeing . . .

Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships
The brand new Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships (RRRR) program has been launched and shared with staff. This program will begin during 2025 and 2026. Stay tuned!
If you wish to view the new lessons, please use this link: Respectful Relationships resources | Respectful Relationships resources | Arc
Visit from Wendy Shields
As part of our ongoing work in Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships, Wendy Shields, a police officer from Mill Park police station, spent time with the grade 5/6 students on Tuesday 22 October. Wendy's talk covered a wide range of topics but the central theme was the importance of making positive choices whether we are online or at Lalor Plaza shops. The students enjoyed 'winning' prizes from being able to answer Wendy's questions.