Year 3 Newsletter - Week 9 

Welcome to the end of week 9!


It’s crazy to think that we’re down the final 3 weeks of term 2. Next week is our Planning week where we the teachers will begin planning for all the exciting things happening in Term 3. 


This week in:


In Writing, we have continued our unit on Procedural Text. Students have finished planning and begun writing their own procedural texts with a partner. Next week students will be publishing their procedural text. 


In our Science of Reading lessons and Literacy Rotations, we have continued looking at the common prefix (re) and what this does when added to a word - it means to do again. This week we began looking at another common prefix Un which means not. We have continued our practice of open and closed syllable types, using this to help us when decoding tricky words and learnt about a new syllable type c+le  - ask your child to explain this to you. Our comprehension focus continues to be finding information in non-fiction texts. We’ve also continued with our daily word work that has students investigating syllables, graphemes, morphemes and affixes of our ‘word of the week’ and then tying this all together in our Friday morning dictation. 



We began week 8 learning about vertical addition and subtraction and then moved on to money - learning about the different types of money in Australia and how we can represent money values in different ways. This week in maths students have been learning about worded problems and how to look for clues to figure out if a problem is addition or subtraction. Throughout these lessons we have continued referring to our addition and subtraction strategies and how to select the most efficient strategy. 



Students have begun filling out their design briefs and this week students will begin to create their inventions using their recycled materials. We are excited to see the creativity of all students, and test the range of different inventions!



We continue on with our Friendology unit, and are starting to see the students use its language in the classroom and yard.


This week we’ve focussed on the difference between a Friendship Fire compared to Mean on Purpose. We’ve identified that a Friendship Fire is when an argument, or issue, arises with a friend. Mean on Purpose behaviour is when some is…surprise surprise, mean on purpose!


We’ve looked at and practised through some role plays how we can address a Friendship Fire. I.e., ask if the person’s ready to talk, discuss each person's view, and hopefully make up!



Important Information


We are asking for a minimum of 80 minutes of reading a week at home. This needs to be logged into their diaries each night.


We ask that you please write the total time read throughout the week, and sign your child’s diary on a Thursday night to confirm they have kept up with their reading. If your child does not meet the required 80 minutes, they will be given the opportunity to catch up during the first part of Friday Fun.  


We will also be setting 3 Tasks on Mathletics for the students to complete throughout the week. These will become available Friday afternoons and will be explicitly linked to our focus in class.


What’s coming up:

  • PST Conferences: Wednesday 26th June
  • Last Day of Term: Friday 28 June (early finish @ 2:30pm)


Have a wonderful weekend,

The Level Three Team