Year 2 Newsletter - Week 9 

Dear Parents,

We are getting close to our mid year break and you will soon be receiving school reports and booking in for PST Conferences.  


Important dates for this term

Wednesday 26th June - PST conferences 

Friday 28th June - Last Day of Term


What have we been up to in the classroom?

In maths we are learning to halve and double numbers, and have been exploring subtraction as ‘difference’. We have been learning about the main idea of a text  in literacy and to use more exciting words than ’said’. In writing we have been learning how to edit and publish our narratives.  The students are working in groups for Inquiry to investigate a country of their choice.  This will be presented in class in the coming weeks. 



Last week we had a meeting with all the year 2 students regarding their choices and behaviour in the yard and the classrooms.

We have a number of students who are struggling with their regulation, impulse control and keeping their hands to themselves.

We have spoken with the students and told them that if they are observed not behaving in a way that follows our school values, they will need to be removed from the yard for 10 minutes the following play time. Parents will also receive a brief email to let you know what has happened.

Could you please have a chat with your child tonight and just follow up on the expected behaviours at our school.



Please continue to read and return readers. 

Mathletics tasks are set and available for your child to complete at home if you choose.


As we are now in cold and flu season please keep your children at home if they are feeling unwell to prevent the spread as much as possible. 


Have a great week,The Year 2 Team.