Grade 4 Community News

Hello! Grade 4 families, students and community members. We are almost close to the end of Term 2 and it has been amazing to see our students making so much growth throughout the semester.
We have started our literature unit to analyse our serial text ‘The Dragonkeeper’ and we will be continuing that over the next couple of weeks. The students have explored the fantasy genre as well as the dragon mythology that they have read about in the Dragonkeeper. In the coming weeks, they will be analysing the social hierarchy in ancient China and carry out character analysis to strengthen their comprehension of the text using ‘Stop and Jot’ and ‘Read, Write, Discuss, and Build Up On’ cycles to answer questions. They will also be discussing the themes used throughout the book, such as, friendship, loyalty, power and courage. The students have enjoyed reading ‘The Dragonkeeper’ by Carole Wilkinson, and their vocabulary words will continue coming out of this text.
In our writing lessons, students have been writing imaginative narratives, with explicit focus on including language features in their writing, including dialogues, ellipses, homophones etc. The students are continuing to assess their own writing against the rubric and use their voice to determine their learning goals. The students have been using their knowledge from our syntax lessons in their writing to include language features, such as, similes and metaphors. They will continue writing imaginative narratives in the coming week by combining all their knowledge from the previous writing lessons.
In our Maths unit, we have started Multiplication and Division as our new topic. The students have been learning topic specific vocabulary to strengthen their understanding of multiplication and division. They have also been learning about doubling and halving finding multiples of 3s and 4s as well as sharing a group of items equally using concrete materials, such as, counters. The students have been applying their knowledge in solving worded problems by following a checklist. In the coming weeks, students will be learning multiples of 6, 7, 8 and 9.
The students have been enjoying going to the Narana Aboriginal Cultural Centre and learning about the Aboriginal culture and making connections with their learning. Here are some pictures of students from 4E and 4G.
Multiplication Facts
Please continue to practise multiplication facts at home with your students.
School Holidays
Friday, 28th June 2024 will be the last day of Term 2. We will see students back at school on 15th July 2024. Have a safe holiday!
It is crucial that all students are attending school every day so they can work on their learning goals and don’t miss important lessons. Please book holidays during school holiday periods rather than during the school term to make sure valuable learning time is not missed.