Grade 3 Community News

Dear Grade 3 Families,
We're thrilled to embark on this journey together as we explore, learn, and grow throughout the school year. As we continue this wonderful adventure through the academic year, we invite you to join us in celebrating the achievements, growth, and boundless potential of our Grade 3 students.
We are continuing with our Ancient Rome unit. We are delving into Caesar Augustus accomplishments and how he helped build the lands of Rome. During this unit we have been looking at how Rome remained an empire after Julius Caesar ceased to exist. Activities we have done in class include making posters to advocate for why Julius Caesar should be made senate, comparing Marc Antony to Octavian and having a look on a map how much land the Roman Empire had conquered.
Using our knowledge we are learning from Ancient Rome; we are creating information reports. Students have been given their own Rubric and are comparing their written work to the Rubric. It has been a good opportunity for students to see what they can add to their writing to enhance their information report. Here’s a snippet of what we strive for in an introduction!
We have finished up looking at addition and subtraction where we used the strategies, we have been learning about eg. partitioning and jump strategy and blending those skills to figure out equivalent equations. Practising maths at home supports the learning we do at school. Card games are fun and engaging, students can draw 2 or three cards and either subtract or add them together to get a total number. Playing board games involving dice are another fabulous way to support a growth mindset towards problem solving.
“Our Race for reconciliation” has been great for adding new vocabulary into both students' oral language and writing. Below are some words from the book we have looked.
For morphology we have been focusing on the suffix ‘ish’. The morpheme ‘ish’ means somewhat like. We add this suffix to a noun or adjective when we want to indicate that something is like the base noun or adjective but not exactly the same. Examples in class are changing red to reddish changing the meaning of the word to somewhat red/similar to red. We also have been looking at the suffix ‘ive’. The morpheme ‘-ive’ adds the meaning “tending to” or “doing” or “being.” Adding the suffix -ive changes nouns and verbs into adjectives.
Coming up
- Wk 10; Tuesday 18th Planning Day, Friday 14th Incursion (come dressed under the theme of Ancient Rome! Ideas include gods, goddess, patricians, plebeians
- Please make sure your child brings their reading satchel and learning journal with recorded books on their assigned reading so we can celebrate nights of reading.
It is crucial that all students are attending school every day so they can work on their learning goals and don’t miss important lessons. Please book holidays during school holiday periods rather than during the school term to make sure valuable learning time is not missed.
Students need to make sure they are bringing their iPads every day and charged.