
Dear families,
School holidays are nearly here! Time to rest and relax, bond with family and friends and to apply all the knowledge we have gained over the school term in the outside world. Sometimes though, school holidays can be a challenge, especially in winter when the weather isn’t so great, and the lure of unlimited screen-time becomes hard to resist!
Research tells us that children under 5 years should only have a maximum of one hour of screen time a day, and kids between 5 and 17 a maximum of 2 hours of recreational screen per day. It can be helpful to set clear expectations of when and where it is ok to use screens, and especially important to be clear about when it is not ok - like during family meals or that all important hour before bed.
Putting devices away so that they are out of sight and out of mind is a simple step to keep to screen limits. Scheduling alternatives that can distract from screens is also helpful. There are lots of fun activities planned during school holidays from library events to DIY workshops at Bunnings. There is a Dinosaur exhibition at Werribee Zoo at the moment (kids under 16 enter free) and don’t forget NAIDOC week from the 7th to the 13th of July.
To inspire both parents and children we’re having a screen-free bingo competition! Simply check off each activity and come and visit us in the Wellness office at the start of term 3. The first 20 completed Bingo cards will be displayed on our windows and there might even be a little treat when you hand it in!
Have a lovely break!
Wellbeing Team
For more information about screen time see https://www.triplep.net/glo-en/find-out-about-triple-p/news/top-tips-for-reducing-kids-screen-time-this-holiday-season/