French News

Bonjour Parents and Students!
Just like that it is almost the end of term two!
We are so happy to watch our students grow in their knowledge and skill of French, and here is what they have done in the past two weeks.
Prep students learned about simple phrases that show good manners in French such as thank you, you are welcome, sorry, etc. They were read the story of Three Little Pigs in French and discussed the moral of the story.
Grade 1 students revised French numbers up to 20, where they focused on writing all numbers instead of just saying them. They were also extended on their French greetings by learning how to say good evening, good night, see you soon, etc.
Grade 2 students completed a research project about France, they used iPads and worked in pairs to research information about France and recorded their discoveries. They then focused on counting and writing French numbers up to 50.
Our grade 3 students engaged in exchanging common French greetings and wishes for different occasion such as happy birthday, happy new year, congratulations, etc. They also listen to the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar in French, and coloured in a picture with all the food the hungry caterpillar has eaten while labelling the food names in French.
Grade 4 students completed their research project on the francophone country they chose in week 8 and they were very proud to share and present their poster.
Grade 5 students focused on learning about town places and designed a town map using new vocabulary they learned, they also wrote sentences to describe the location of some places on their map using French prepositions.
Grade 6 students really showed us excellent teamwork by demonstrating our school value of respect, kindness, responsible and growth. They completed their group project of comparing two Francophone countries, and they now have a better understanding of the important role of French language in the world.
Please note: If your child is new to learning French or just would like to practice the basics, follow the links below so that they can practice at home 😊
Alphabet song –
Number song -
Color song -
Days of the week -
Months of the year -
Merci (thanks) for reading! We are excited to start the Term 2!!
The French Specialist Team